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Home » Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star TFCS » Chapter 1011: New song leaked
Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 1011: New song leaked
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Cohen's shelves are quite large, often late for breakfast and other reasons, but as usual today, it is more than an hour late, which is very unusual. Jason waits and waits. The coffee is all done and people have not arrived yet!

He asked Amanda to call Cohen. Amanda didn't want to contact Cohen. He reluctantly found his number:

"Sorry, the number you dialed is invalid."

Amanda looked at the name on the screen. Cohen was right! She called again, but the number was still invalid.

She informed Jason about this strange situation. "How could it be that I saw him yesterday! You must have misremembered his number," Jason said, and took out his cell phone to call Cohen, and the same tone sounded. .

Jason wondered, what happened?

At this time, an employee hurriedly came in and told them, "Our new single was leaked to the Internet!"

The news was too sudden, and Jason and Amanda were stunned, and the nerve center was too late to express shock. Soon Jason responded, "f # @ * & k, aren't you kidding me?"

The employee was frightened by Jason's fragrant face. He took a step back and held his cell phone. He stammered and said, "Yes ... it's true. There are audition files of complete tracks on the Internet. It seems to have spread." "

Jason grabbed his phone and took a look. # JasonHarmer's new song "ThatPrincessfromHan" was the first to listen to #, #J 曲风 大变, teamed up with the Han Dynasty princess to interpret Chinese style # ......

The full screen is such an eye-catching title, attracting netizens to click, especially Jason's fans, his idol has not released a new song for so long, this can be described as "sharpening a sword in the past two years", and the name of the Han Dynasty Princess No.—Jason has never mentioned publicly that he will cooperate with Liu Ye this time. Despite various conjectures from the outside world, he just doesn't admit it, his intention is obvious, and he keeps the surprise at the end.

So, of course, netizens don't care about authenticity first, download it first and then talk about it. And they didn't take it seriously at first, they thought it was a gimmick, and then they just clicked on the play button and listened to it.

In the ear is a piano intro ...

The intro doesn't seem to be very important. A good intro doesn't mean that the song is good, but the song is good. Its prelude must be able to catch people's hearts at the beginning. It can't help but calm down. It is not uncommon for pure piano music to be an intro, but usually the rhythm is strong and the style is bright, because nowadays young people like to listen to more explosive music.

This new song has a very different style from the prelude. It is different from other singers and different from the songs written by Jason in recent years. It makes people seem to be back in the era of American folk songs thirty or forty years ago. In the listener's mind, when the next paragraph will come with a harmonica or guitar accompaniment, the male voice unique to Jason sounds:




His singing voice was so gentle that it reached the bottom of everyone's heart, everyone seemed to see a pair of gentle eyes, watching the girl he liked.

"Oh my god, it sounds so good. J can sing love so warmly, it's not like his own style! But I like it! (Shy)"

"I was just listening casually. Somehow, I remembered the first girl I liked when I was in high school. I also dreamed of her face at night, and I remembered listening to this song, it was so emotional."

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