"here's your coffee sir"
(Scoffed ) and another day went off.

!!Author pov.!!

Hey  this is me y/n ! 21 year old strong independent girl living alone in Seoul , after being kicked out of my own home by my family not like I'm sad or something they never loved me or supported me because of my high dreams..

I wanted to achieve something big but they wanted me to get married to someone they chose for me hell no way I was marrying someone unknown. So I'm now kicked out and I love my little stable life.. I'm working in a cafe ,a grocery store and also a book store..

*Y/n POV*

It's mid night and I'm going to my small lovely apartment after getting off from cafe..

Today was really boring as nothing much excited happened all day I was wondering in my own dreams and doing my work as I do everyday

I'm so tired that all I can imagine right now is my comfy bed and my ordinary pillow which now feels like a cloud..

I'm getting really late and I don't have much energy left to walk fast home so I'm going to take a short root to my home even tho that alley is creepy but still I can risk this much for my precious sleep ..

I had entered the creepy dark alley with so much confidence but now this is scaring the shit out of me ..

Okay just breathe normal and walk fast .. y/n you're a strong girl you can do it...



What the hell was that I heard someone screaming it sounded like a man and it's coming from the same direction I have to get in!??

What to do now I'm not hallucinating I actually heard that!.

Shit I'm already in half way and I will take so long to go back and get home.. maybe I'm being to coward it was nothing..

I took a deep breath and controlled my racing heart. Let's just get home safely.

Taking small and carefull steps I got closer and closer to my home as I gained some confidence that it was actually nothing..


My feet are literally glued to ground and my soul has literally left my body .. looks like my whole blood has dried up and sudden chill run through my spine..

Men's !! Alot of men's.

With GUNS???!!

Their are alot of men's standing there holding guns in their hands and directly pointing it towards a man which Is covered in blood nearly taking his last breathe and some man are still kicking him ..

There are seven men's standing around watching this all really usually like it's a piece of cake..they don't have any guns or alert position either they look so relaxed..

"~ niga neomu yeppeo ottoke ottoke~ narang manna bollae eotteohke saenggakhae?
janmal ---

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