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"that's mine "
"I know that"
"This is disrespectful"
"But I'm older "
"Still it's mine"

Y/n and jungkook were running in the hallway like kindergarten kids teasing and laughing at eachother...

Y/n : bunny I'm telling you give me my phone back!

Jk : no I won't your always busy with this and don't gave me attention..

Y/n : Common bunny aren't you a Grown up man stop doing childish things.

Jk: NO NO and NOOOOOO...

Y/n : looks like I have to teach you some lessons..

Y/n increased her speed and reached almost to were jungkook was but he saw her coming and changed the direction..

Y/n : Ahh shit ! Stop bunny or I will throw all Banana milk in the house away..

Y/n was still chasing jungkook but when he suddenly stopped and turned back y/n bumped in jungkook so hard and was about to fall ..

But jungkook fastly put his hand under y/n's back and saved her ...

The position was really awkward y/n was holding on jungkook's jacket tightly not to fall.. jungkook was holding y/n from her waist..

"Taehyung POV"

We are all free somedays because there is nothing much going in both mafia and buisness world ..

RM hyung decided to go for art gallery..

Suga hyung is sleeping as usual.

Jimin went on a blind date..

Jhope is out with his friends..

Jin hyung went to suprise his gf..

And I'm going to ask y/n for a walk ..

What should I wear y/n has a good fashion sense and I like that she likes simple and delight things so this is perfect..

What should I wear y/n has a good fashion sense and I like that she likes simple and delight things so this is perfect

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I went out of my room and knocked on y/n 's room she didn't replied..
I guess she's out

I went towards the hallway while climbing down the stairs when u stopped watching the scene in front of me..

Y/n in jungkooks arms? He's holding jer waist and she is holding him tightly ..


My eyes are just not wanting to see this .. my blood is boiling at the point like I will kill someone right now with no mercy.. she's not supposed to be in his arms like that even tho I'm holding back all my feelings for her just because we are not from same world and she would be in a danger if she tries to get in my world but jungkook is from the same world as mine.. I can't let this happen..

They both are still in that position and I feel like separating them already..

I fake coughed but loud for them to hear..

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