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And here comes the Kim taehyung..

"Y/n POV"

I'm setting here with this stupid ass boy that is launching his butt off looking at my red face...

Such a #&£'_!" Sgs#


Tae : think I like you y/n..

Y/n : w-what ?

Tae: I said I like you

Y/n : uhm look taehyung umm -


Y/n started laughing soo hard and get off me..

Tae: did you really thought that I was going to say this ... Look at your face it's all red..


OmO I'm soo embarrassed I actually thought he is saying truth and my heart was about to explode but this guy....!!!!!!

"Taehyung POV"

I did confess my feelings but I was not confident and brave to get rejected her face is all red but her eyes show she is not agree with it..

So I just started laughing and turned my own feelings into a joke ..

Y/n: your such a idiot just keep doing whatever you want I'm going!

She was about to stand up but I don't want her to goo..

My hand automatically took her hand and she looked back..

Her sharp eyes looking into my dark eyes to find the answer ..

Tae: Okay I'm sorry just stay here I'm bored alone..

Y/n : so what I'm not a clown to entertain you..

Tae: shut up and sit here ..

I pulled her hands and make her sit beside me ...

We were silently watch the star's and it was so comfortable..

Maybe because she is with me I'm more happy and comfortable.

"Y/n pov"

The atmosphere feels really good and I feel kinda safe with him..

But my curiosity is not letting me breathe in peace I want to ask a question but I didn't get a chance too long so let me ask now..

Y/n: taehyung..

Tae: hmm

Y/n: I want to ask something but only if you don't get mad..

Tae: If you already know your question can make me mad then why are you asking..

Y/n ; okay I won't..

Taehyung looked at my direction and then scoffed ..

Tae: fine . Say it?

Y/n : how did you guys became a mafia and meet eachother i mean you guys are soo good I never thought mafia's can be like this..

Taehyung didn't say anything and just looked back to the sky...

Maybe he doesn't wants to answer I should stay quiet then..

Minutes pass..

Tae: Me, namjoon hyung and jin hyung are cousins you know Kim's ...

I nodded in understanding..

Tae: Our fathers were brothers and they all were mafia's .. So like the thrown passed to us..

When I was in high school I meet jimin he was a bad guys and popular guys af the school and we become bestfriend soon when he got to know about my mafia things he joined me..

The first year when we joined the mafia world it went well but in second year suddenly our guns and goods Started to get stolen without any trace we kept our best security but still we were not able to find the person going that..

one day we decided to stay our own and catch the person later we found an boy comming and cracking our security codes like it was nothing to him he flexibly went in and stole our things that's when we catch him..

and later we catch one more guy outside the building with his laptop guiding the other guys to crack codes ..it was hoseok how was acting all natural and keeping eye on our every move and yoongi helping him to hack locks when we asked them why they do this they said

"It's FUN "

And we offered them to join and they gladly accepted it..

Y/n: WOW this sounds soo amazing..and what about Kookie?

Tae: he is the youngest of us all still he is most dangerous one ..when time comes.. everything was going fine and under control unit one day a man that took alot of money from us was trying to run away because he lost all money in gambling when we went to his house he started begging to leave him alive and said he will give us something in return...

He said we can take his niece and do whatever with him...

The boy was just a teenager but I saw something in his eyes like fire..

I said to that boy ..

Tae: hey kid why he wants to sell you?

???: He's my evil uncle he beats me everytime he drinks..and sents me to work because I have no place to live after my parents death .

Tae: can you catch this gun .

I throw a gun to him and he caught it..

Tae: kill him if he's that bad..

The boy looked at me shocked and then at his uncle..

Uncle: you son of bitch what are you looking at huh?? Don't you dare do anything or you know what will I do to yo-


The bullet passed right in center of his dead make him lie on the floor life less...

Tae: Wanna join me and get some power kido?

???: Yes and my name is JUNGKOOK!

That's how you guys became a gang ..

Tae: yah we all become a gang and more like brothers ..like we all are eachother world now..

Y/n : you guys are not that bad I first thought..

Tae: you thought we were bad??

Y/n: what else you think huh? First time I saw you people killing someone and second thing was you kidnapped me? Was I supposed to be happy O_o

Tae: yeah whatever..

Y/n : by the way taehyung when is your that mission going to complete?

Tae: which mission?!

Y/n : the one after which I'm getting free?!

Tae: oh that one is way far I guess ..do you want to leave us ?

Y/n : no it's not like that but .

Tae; but?

Y/n : nothing nevermind good night..

Y/n said and walked back in speed of light..


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