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We reach the room and I walk inside. My mother closes the door and scoffs. I turn and face her. "Come give mummy a hug" she says, stretching out her arms. I walk to her and put my head to her chest. She wraps her arms around me. I hear her sigh happily.

"Curvā! (Whore)" she yells in Romanian. "What?" I ask confused. She smirks at me and I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. She knees me in the stomach and slaps me. All the air is knocked out of me. I collapse to the floor attempting to catch my breath.

"Oh darling! 'Sebby' won't be back until 8, so let's have some fun!" She says evilly. An evil smirk plastered on her face. She looks down on me like I'm a piece of rubbish.

And so the pain begins.

Sebastians POV:

"DAH!!" I yell dodging the hits. We're filming a fight scene today and it's going well. The director shouts cut and I zone out.

Something doesn't feel right. It's currently 5:00pm and I've been here for hours. But still, I've just felt sick to my stomach. Why does something seem off?

Filming is fine? What's bugging me? Is there something else?

"Sebastian!" I'm taken out of my thoughts but Robert yelling. I glance at him. "Everything okay?" His voice utter confusion and concern. Because apparently I'm always in the correct mind space, never distracted.

"Somethings not right?" I say looking around on the floor and spacing the ceiling. "What is it the choreograph? Because we can fi-" Lizzie states. "No no no...I just had a sickly feeling that somethings wro-... Mackie, Evans, Scarjo we need to go...I don't know why but something seems wrong and I think it's Lils..." I explain. They nod and grab their stuff.

Everyone understands and lets us go. I get into my car and quickly start it. All 4 of us rush to put on our seatbelts.

Passing through the streets we eventually reach the hotel. I throw my seat belt off of me and rush out of the car. We all run through the hotel lobby and towards the elevator. Once it opens I slam the 6th floor button and hopes to get to the room as soon as possible.

Come on...


I tap my fingers on my thighs as I impatiently wait. "Come on come on..." I say.





The elevator dings and the doors open. We all run towards the room. As we reach the room I pull myself to a stop.

"Seb?" Chris states. I look at the door. A small tear rolls down my face. Put I pull myself together and unlock the door. As I slowly push open the door, horror fills my veins and my muscles tense as I see an unconscious Lilian on the floor. Not only that, Andrew is on top of her...if you get me...

I quickly turn to Chris, "Call 911...fucking call 911!!" I panic then I turn back around to Andrew; who is still unaware of our presence.

"Hello, 911... Yeah we're at Luxaois Hotel and we need assistance. Currently... we have a uhm...unconscious girl who is being raped. She also looks as to be beaten as well" Chris explains. That's when I had enough. I rushed over to Andrew and kicked him in the head. He groaned in pain and moved away from Lilian.

He walked over to me and threw a large punch across my face.

Well, I guess I just broke my nose...

"What the fuck are you doing to her?" I yell moving back. "Having fun" he smirks. "I look to beat her up and them have real fun with her, if you get me" he winks at me.

"No you psychotic bastard...she's my niece- you're stepdaughter!! You sick bastard!!" I shout. Scarlett is already collapsed on the floor tucked her knees into her chest. She's sat at the wall in tears. Anthony is on the phone with the ambulance service and Chris the police.

As I don't pay attention to what Andy is doing, he grabs me by the neck and pins me to the floor. Pressure is applied, which makes it harder to breathe. I hear commotion outside and hear that it's Robert and Lizzie. "No, I wouldn't... Lilians uhm..." Chris begins. But Robert doesn't listen. He pushes past and sees the scene. "SEB!" He yells. Everyone looks at the situation, hadn't realised that Andrew is choking me.

Robert grabs something near by, it happens to be a vase, he smashes Andrews head with it and he collapses on top of me. His heavy state pushes a huge breath out of me, that made it harder to breathe. "Seb?" Scarlett says running towards me. I feel dizzy. Robert and Chris push Andy off of me and help me sit up...

"Lilian...?" I say looking towards her. Tears roll down my face. I slowly get up and move towards her. "Fuck" I painfully say. I sob. I carefully begin to redress her as she was rudely abused into something that she didn't have control over.

After she's fully dressed, I pick her up into my lap. There's blood everywhere. "Darling?" I state. "It's okay...Chris you go stay watch for the police." He nods and leaves.

"Liz..." I jolt my head for her to come here. She sits down and I give Lily to her. She strokes her hair and I get up. I need the support of Robert though as I fall into him. "I got you bud...it's okay..." he hugs me. So I break. I break down into sobs.

I hear footsteps outside and I see 5 police officers walk in. I point down at Andrew. They get the message and walk over to him. I let go of Robert and walk towards Lilians room. An officer follows and I open the door.

"What the fuck Faith!!" I yell. She's smoking. It smells horrible. I can barely breathe in here, even without my trachea probably swelling. She smirks. "Hello little brother"

"Don't you fucking dare! What did you do to Lilian?!" I yell. She chuckles. "I did what I fucking wanted. I stabbed her, I punched her and kicked her. I smashed her head against the coffee table. Nothing new. I always do it at home" my stomach drops.

"What-? Did you know Andrew was...uhm..." I begin. "Raping her? Yup!" She pops the 'p' as she speaks. "We do it all the time...both of us" she gives me a smirk. I fall against the wall, unable to hold myself anymore. The officer goes to Faith and puts her in handcuffs. "Faith Stan you are under arrest for the Abuse of Lilian Stan, you do not have to say anything, if you do it may go against your defence in the court of law. Do you understand?" He explains. She just nods and gives me one more smirk.

I slowly make my way into the living space to see Andrew already taken away. "He's dead... I killed him..." Robert states.. he's staring blankly of the puddle of blood. "No they even said it was self defence. We told them what happened. How when we came in Andrew was raping her and Seb got him off her and Andrew began choking him. Sebastian almost died. And so did Lilian. You're a life saver" Scarlett explains. Lizzie is talking to the police as Lilian is being examined.

I feel a sudden shock and feel light-headed. I hold onto Chris who is stood beside me. "You alright man?" He asks. He places a hand on my back. "Yeah I just..." I can't hold myself up any longer. My legs give way and I collapse to the floor. In shock and pain. What did Andy do to me?

I hear 'woah woah woah' from many people. I think it was Anthony and Chris. Scarlett shouts for one of the paramedics and Lizzie holds my head up. Robert checks my pulse, then it all goes numb.

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