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I can't believe Alya and the others would do that to me, I thought as I was sitting down at my seat. 


Marinette POV

"I can't wait to see Alya!" I walked into school happily as I held cupcakes in my hand. "Alya is going to love these, I hope they are ok," I immediately recognised her long brown hair and I began to skip to her. "Hey Alya," She turned around with a big glare on her face, I was shocked but then I noticed everyone was glaring at me even Adrien. I was confused but then I saw Lila, Lila Rossi is my enemy, she is even worse then Hawkmoth! She had a big blood patch on her face, bruises and cuts everywhere. I didn't believe this was real but I still asked "Is she okay, what happened?" To my surprise Alya slapped me across the face and said "Don't act all innocent we all know you beat up Lila!" She screamed "Yeah Marinette I didn't think you could be so mean," Mylene sobbed holding her boyfriend, Ivan. "So rude," someone from the back said. "Not cool dudette," Nino said, I started to tear up, W - what I didn't do anything, I thought. "Marinette I thought you knew better, I know you don't like Lila but you didn't need to beat her up," Adrien said with disappointment on his face. At this my heart broke, I could almost hear it shatter. Adrien, the love of my life is siding with that LIAR. Tears began to roll down my face. "Marinette I don't understand, I just wanted to be your friend but then you said you would never be friends with a liar. You said that if I didn't keep quiet then you would turn all my friends against me and make Adrien your boyfriend. I didn't want to make anyone upset so I said nothing," Lila stated while "sobbing". I can't believe they would fall for her lies. "I didn't hurt Lila I swear, I was preparing cupcakes for you guys," As I was about to open the box Alya slammed it on the ground and said "We don't want your excuses, you always come in late and then Lila comes in after. We know you have been bulling her so shut up," Just as I was about to respond Lila starts crying," this is why I didn't want to say anything because it would ruin your friendship," she wailed. "It's fine Lila, we don't want to be friends with a liar and a bully," I started crying even more, I couldn't bear it so I ran away. the last thing I heard was," come on Lila lets clean you up,"

End of Flashback

Now I am sitting here in the back of the classroom alone. No one wants to sit next to me and Lila has taken my place next to Alya. It's like she put a spell on them or something. I hate this, she really did turn all of my "friends" against me. Just as I was about to cry Mrs Bustier walked in, she started class as usual but I was deep in  thought to even hear what she said.

Time Skip - After Class

I was walking to my locker when I felt someone tug on my arm, it was Alya. "Hey Marinette, why do you have to hate Lila so much, she is so nice and caring!" She shouted, half of the class behind her. " I didn't hurt her!" I stated quite loudly and walked away. I thought I had lost them but no they were right behind me and then Kim said "Pin her down," Ivan and Alex pined me to the floor and everyone else started to beat me up. By the end of it I had bruises all over my arms and legs but they made sure not to hurt the face so no one knew. I was late to class because of this and I got told off in front of the class, I heard some sniggers from my ex friends but I ignored it and went to the back and sat down. BRING BRING, the school bell went off and I immediately rushed out, not wanting the others to see me. It was the end of the day so I walked home. I got to the door and my parents welcomed me but I said nothing, instead I started to sob. They brought me to the sofa and laid me down.

Hi guys

Sorry for the delay, I was really busy but the next chapter will hopefully be out later today at around 4:30 or 4:45. What do you think will happen to Marinette? I am SO tired.

Bye so tired -_- 

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