The day has come (really long)

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No Ones POV

"M-Maman, I'll be o-okay," Marinette said, trying to reassure her Mother, or as she says Maman, but even she wasn't that sure about anything anymore. They ruined her life, she didn't have to go but because of them she does. It's unfair but atleast her true friends are going with her. Now a lot of you may think that it is quite extreme to move just for a friend but many of them had their own problems and solutions to them. Like Kagami's mother constantly nagging her about being perfect, the solution, going to the boarding school where she can relax but keep training.
Or Luka, whose band was falling apart, friendships broken, his sister always angry at him. His solution being the same, going to the boarding school, where he could make a new band, find new friends and not have to worry about all the rubbish at home. Nino and Chloe pretty much had the same problem, they were bullied too because they weren't part of Lila's 'empire'. Again their solution being the boarding school. They all had something to gain so why not take the chance.

Marinette POV

All my packing was done, all my clothes, shoes, accessories all in a suitcase ready to be taken away. I stood their in a three way hug with my parents as they sobbed softly. 'I had to keep it together, for their sake', is what I told myself. I hated to leave but I had too, for mine and everyone's safety. I can't believe I'm saying that but it's true. I had worries as ladybug but nothing like this. "MARINETTE, YOU READY?" I could hear Nino ask while Haru was putting luggage in the car, well more like limo, it was the most posh thing I was ever going to ride in. "As my parents pulled away, my Maman gripped my face. "Be safe okay?" I nodded, as she place a teary kiss on my forehead. I turned to my Papa, who was also quite emotional. "What you mother also meant to say was, we love you," I chuckled at that. I place a kiss on each parents cheeks. "I promise to call," They nodded and after one last hug and goodbye I found myself in a long black limo, that had obviously been well kept, driving away from my home. The place I learned how to walk and talk even bake. I miss it already because I know I won't see it for ages. I tried to distract myself from the events at hand by talking to my friends, my true friends who not only moved partly of me but have stuck by me through all of this, especially Chloe. "Hey guys, thank you, for being so nice to me and even doing this partly for me. I owe you guys more than one," They chuckled "Marinette, honestly we were happy too and we also get to explore our side like music and fencing, buisness and fashion. If anything we should be thanking you for showing us that this could happen. And also Chloe because without her us three wouldn't be here," Luka explained, a slight blush tinted Chloe's cheeks. " Thank you Luka but I dont think I really did anything. And Yes, I think once we get there a celebration is needed for the one girl who made most of this possible,". As soon as I said that she immediately declined bring modest saying things like "Oh no that's too much, I didn't do anything," or something like "guys come on, I honestly didn't do anything, it was all my dad,". We ignored her protests and while she was sulking we were planning a party..of some sorts...

The car had come to the stop and a tall, straight faced man opened the door. "Thank you," I replied to his gesture, the others doing the same. He just stood there silent, like a statue. 'Strange' I thought. We walked into the airport, something I haven't been to in a while. We looked around while following Haru and Miki. I could tell they did the tours a lot.

Time skip brought to you by I'm too lazy

We had gotten through security and loaded our bags with a lot and I mean a LOT of airport chocolate and toys. Oh and gum for the plane. Speaking of the plane, we were running as fast as we could to try to catch up with our guides as they hurried to catch the plane. Luckily we didn't miss it but it was a close call. Ad we walked throught the well tube? Connecting to the plane I was hit will the stale smell of bread? I qas confused but brushed it off, I hadn't been on a plane in years, holidays just weren't my thing or my family's. "34c, 34c, AHA. FOUND IT," Nino shouted, a bit too lod since the flight attendednts all looked at him. Embarrassed he sat down. Since the school was paying for my flight and chloe elses we all got first class. It was amazing, we got our own whole section on the plane. All of our cabins were connected to each others and there was extra room and seats for 2 to sit per cabin plus a wall that separates us from the other passengers. Haru and Miki sat in front while me, Kagami and chloe sat next to each other while Nino and Luka sat next to us but in a different cabin. Although we are on the same cabin we each get three TV and windows to roll up for privacy. We pretty much let the boys talk since we don't see each other too often. Us girls talked for a while but eventually ended up watching a movie called 102 pitbulls. (Idk copy write 😂)
Since we were going to Japan it was atleast a 13hr flight. Since we Don't speak Japanese, although Kagami and understand and speak a little Since she tracked a lot, we get japanese classes and we get special translated for children who don't. Miki did say that the school that we were going to was largely populated by Americans and British people. We are apparently the first ones to come from Paris. I was quite relieved Since most of them would speak English hut happy to take japanese classes.

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