A brief discussion

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No ones POV
So here to find out what had happened or can you already guess. I'm sure you put together that Marinette was awake but... what else could have happened.

Chloe POV
I sat in the luxurious suite that was my room. My dad, as much as he annoys me, is my favourite parent. My mother was never really around and now she just decides to waltz into my life like nothing happened.
She was the reason that I was so scared to go and find Marinette. She threatened to take me with her to a WHOLE DIFFERENT COUNTRY. My mother wouldn't care if I had helped someone, that is if something happened to her, she only cares about herself.

I was frightened, what had happened to Marinette, she usually calls me everyday.
I should go over and check. I thought. She was my favourite friend, no offense to the others, because she got me. She understood... "I CAN'T JUST SIT HERE. I HAVE TO GO CHECK ON HER!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. Thank God this room was sound proof.

Marinette POV
I woke up with a jolt. I was instantly hit with a throbing pain in my side and head. My Maman ushering me back down. 'What happened?' I thought. Then it dawned on me, Lila God damn Rossi. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HER. I was angry- no furious. I could sort of tell my face was contorted with rage as my parents were concerned and slightly scared. I wanted to open my mouth, say everything but I was sore everywhere, even talking would have hurt. I'm usually talking every five minutes but not a single sound had come from me for hours. The only word being help, even that was a strain. I sat up, slowly this time, and looked around. My Maman and Papa staring at me like they haven't seen me in years and these two strangers? No, they were in that car. " R12, you, what happened?" Was all I managed to blurt out even though I remember snippets they are too painful to re-watch. I was still confused. "Sweetie, Oh my God, are you alright? How are you feeling? Lie down, rest..." My Maman beckoned me to do but I couldn't, I was restless. "N-no, what happened, who are you?" I asked to the two strangers in the room. They very calmly introduced themselves. "Hello, Marinette is it? I am Haru and this is my girlfriend, Miki. We were in the car remember?" I looked at them with a face of understanding "barely," I mumbled, just loud enough to hear. He chuckled. "Marinette, I know you are tired so we will let you rest, eat whatever you need but you do need to tell us what happened, so we can sort it out," I shook my head, my parents immediately knew why and they looked at each other. "Was it her..." they asked in union a look of disgusting and distate slowly creeping onto their faces. I simply nodded, tearing up- no I-I can't show weakness in front of these people. Before I could do anything, they two guests stepped out of the room. It was like they had read my mind. One after the other, tears claimed down my cheek until I was sobbing. I cried and cried into my parents arms. "S-s-s-she h-hurt m-m-me, i-i," started but my Papa cut me off as he cradled me. I was suddenly met with the warmth of his hug. It felt nice but pain still lingered inside of me, I felt empty. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. My Maman, thinking it was the guests, opened it slowly and sadly. To our surprise, it was Chloe! "Where is she?" She said, no emotion in her voice. "Chloe, how did you-" she interrupted my Maman, "Where is she?" She asked, a bit more tone in her voice but still relatively calm. Just as my Papa was about to answer, "C-chloe?" I said, well more like asked? She ran in, her eyes tearing up as she embraced me in a light hug "M-M-Marinette, everyone has b-been so worried. W-what happened?" I looked at her, that one look telling her everything. Her face livid with rage "I'll kill her, that-that mutt. She will regret ever existing after I'm done with her" she looked slightly insane. "Chlo, no, you know we c-cant do anything, i-it's not w-worth it," I said. "B-but-" I sushed her, "You've seen it, how the officers treated me. Everyone thinks I'm a lying, cheating bully. That's why we are going soon, we will be free. Dont do anything rash, you know the deal with your... parents,". She had a whole mix of emotions planted onto her face, the ones standing out the most being, anger, sadness, worry and guilt? Why guilt?"I-I should have been there, i-i tried but they w-wouldnt l-let me a-and then-" she cried in between sobs. Just then, the two guests came in, "I am so sorry, she pushed her way in. She is way stronger than she loo-" he paused to adress the scene infront of him. My parents huddled together trying  to think of a place,the so called 'stranger' in my arm, sobbing  her heart out. "I'm confused, do you know each other or-" he asked, mid sentence till his girlfriend slapped him and gave him a 'not the time' look. "Sorry, we will leave you to it," she apologised, closing the door gradually. "W-wait, no its fine, come in,". I assured them. "Are you sure?" "Y-yes, comp-pletely," I stuttered, I was freezing even though it was like 30 degrees outside. "I'll go get you a blanket and some water, then we can talk. With that Maman left, leaving five sad and confused people in the room.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter, sorry it is short. I have had so many story ideas. I have decided my next story with be a fanfiction. On my profile, I have two reading lists. One will be of my fanfiction books and the other one of my originals (made by me, maybe some inpiration) Thank you again. I will see you in the next chapter.
Word count: 1076

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