The plan

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Chloe POV

I got to my luxurious suite at my dad's hotel. I have to find him to ask about the plan. "Jean! Can you come here for a second," I finally learnt his name after quite a long time, I am trying to change and be nice to people (except those brats at school, especially Adrik- Adrien). "Yes madam Chloe," He is always so helpful and kind. "Just call me Chloe, Have you seen daddy," I gave him a warm smile as I said it, I am really lucky to have these people in my life. "Thank you Mada- Chloe, I believe Mr Bourgeois is in his room," He replied calmly. "Thank you Jean, you should take a break," He said a small thank you, bowed and left. I headed to my dad's room, the corridor walls were made out of a rare marble and plated with small bits of 24k gold. I love this place, I practically grew up in it. When I reached my dad's room, I knocked and heard a faint, "come in!". As I entered I was hit with the lovely scent of vanilla and a faint trace of lily. My dad greeted me with a warm smile, "Ah, Chloe darling, come sit," He embraced me with a hug and we sat down. "What can I do for you?" He is always so caring, I wish I appreciated him more... "Hi daddykins... remember Marinette.... well,"

Luka POV

I stepped onto my floating house, well a ship but it was my home, and I could see my sister Juleka running towards me, her arms spread wide. "Heyyy, how are you, where have you been," I embraced her in a hug and replied "oh.. I was with Marinette," She broke the hug and before I could react... SMACK!!!!! She had hit me hard across the face. I held my cheek as she glared at me with disapproval. "She is a bully, why are you with her. I can't believe you Luka, Leave me alone," She stormed away before I could even retort. I was stunned but I managed to regain my consciousness and walked over to my mom's cabin. I knocked on her door and she opened it. I walked in and gave her a big hug. "Hey mum, how was your day?" I asked, I didn't catch her in the morning. "Good, what's up?" She smiled but gave me a worried look. "well, you know Marinette and how people have been treating her. Chloe, my friend, came up with a plan and before you ask she will cover everything. She is completely fine with this unless her dad says no," I started. "Ok hun? What is it?"

Kagami POV

Once Tsurugi (idk the name of her car) had dropped me off home, I got ready to propose the idea to my mother. I thanked Tsurugi and walked calmly to my house. It was fairly big since we were 'rich', the house had two pillars either side of the door with a dragon mounted at the top of each. As I reached the large oak doors of my house I took a deep breath, It will be ok I just have to convince her. I walked in and immediately heard the distinctive voice of my mother, "KAGAMI!" She shouted, I don't really understand my mother, she wants the best for me yet doesn't let me do things my way, I don't want to disappoint her. "Hello mother," I said as I sat on the sofa. "Kagami, why do you sound worried?" My mother asked me, no interest showing on her face. "Well mother I have something to ask you, all the expenses will be covered by a friend, so,"

Nino POV

I walked through the rain until I got to my apartment. Unlike all my other friend that have cool houses I just have a boring apartment. "Mom I'm home!" I shouted across the room as I hung up my keys and jacket. "Hey honey, how was your day? Was Alya mean today? Do I need to do anything?" My mother was always a worrier, I love her though. "No mom but I have something to talk to you about, can you come sit on the sofa with me?" I won't lie, I was really scared. What if she said no? What would my friends say? "Hey honey, what is it?" She greeted me with a warm, inviting hug. "well, you know how Marinette is getting bullied well she is thinking about moving to a new scholl so..."

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