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Marinette's POV

"Hey Mum, I'm home!" I went to school but all I could think about was what my parents were supposed to tell me. Was it bad, did I do something? "Hey hun, we are in the living room," my mum shouted. As soon a I walked in I saw their faces, they were frowning. I knew something was wrong. I sat down hesitantly as if someone was going to pop out from behind me. "what's wrong?" I asked, my voice was quiet but loud enough for my parents to hear. They gave each other a sad look and turned back to me. "Marinette my sweet girl...after what happened to you we can't afford to take anymore risks. So me and your father have decided it would be best for you to... go to a new school," At that my heart broke, I could feel my tears getting ready to pour out. Move, I- I can't leave all my friends behind, what will I do. "M-move, what about the bakery," I tried to look for an excuse. "Well that's the other thing, we will stay here while you go. I know it is a lot to take in but you need to go. They can't keep bullying you like this," My dad said softly. "B-but...ok, I-I can't believe this. My friends, what will I do without them," My voice was shaky, I felt like I was going to pass out. "Oh my little girl, the interview is in a week," he explained as he engulfed me in a hug. My Mum joined in and we just sat there, it felt like hours even though it was only a few minutes. "I have to tell my friends..." I was still shaken but I felt a bit better. If I did get into this school I would be free from all these people. I went to my room and called my friends. "Hey guys, can you meet me at ******** park, it's important," I asked quite calmly with a hint of panic and sadness in my voice. "Sure Mari," They all said in union, they sounded worried.

At the Park (** means their actions)

"Hey girl!" Chloe shouted as she gave me a huge hug. "Hey... I have something important to tell you guys..." My head drooped down as I felt my tears trying to push through. "what is it Marinette, you can tell us anything," Luka, he always was the calm one, funny too. I'm really going to miss them. "I -I I'm moving away!" I just blurted it out, It was eating me up inside. As I looked up I was met by sad, shocked faces. "MOVING!" They all shouted together. I started to cry, I didn't want to go. Once again I was engulfed in a huge hug but this time it was all of them. "It is going to be okay... I have an idea!" Chloe reassured me. I don't know what she is thinking but I want to find out. "Come!" She yanked my arm and we all ran into a secluded area. 


"THATS CRAZY!" Nino shouted a bit too loudly. We all gave him a look and he immediately apologised and continued to list all the reasons this wouldn't work. "It's fine, I will pay for it you just need to do the convincing," Chloe said, she looked so sure about this and that it would work. "B - but you don't have t-to, this is w-way too much to ask of you g-guys," I stammered, no one had ever offered to do this for me. "nice try but we are in this together, right everyone," Chloe stated. "YEAH!" almost everyone agreed. "Right Nino..." Chloe had a stern look on the face. Nino sighed, "Yeah, for Marinette," He cracked a small smile. "Thanks you guys! This means so much to me," I was in shock, they would really do this, for me?  "No problem Marinette, we still have to convince them though," Kagami said gloomily, I knew what she meant, this was going to be a challenge. We all said our goodbyes and I walked home. When I got home I saw my parents they were serving some customers so I went straight upstairs. What did I do to deserve such amazing friends?

Hey guys,

Thank you so much for being patient. I had to sort my life out. We have some really important tests coming up so I have to study too. I'm juggling a lot but I am managing. What do you think they are planning? Thanks for reading. Sorry it is a short chapter, I will post hopefully tomorrow or the day after when I am not so tired, it should be longer. Stay safe and happy. Don't overwork yourself!

Byeeeee (It is late where I am so I am so tired -_-)

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