We Need to Talk...

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I woke up to my parents surrounding my bed with worried looks on their faces. I sat up but instantly regretted it, my head started to pound. "Ugh..." My mum lay me back down and covered me with blankets. "Be careful Marinette, don't hurt yourself," She gave me a weak smile and I could tell something was wrong. "What's wrong?" I asked. I had never seen my parents this worried. "Nothing sweetie... well, we can talk about it later ok you just rest. Your friends will be coming over to see you soon," With that they left my room closing the door leaving me alone in the vast empty space of my room. After Adrien said those hurtful words I ripped down all the photos. He was my idol, my happiness and he destroyed all of it with just a few words. Some time passed, I still sat there lost in thought and sadness when, "Knock Knock," Chloe and the rest of my remaining friends came in. "Hey girl, how are you?" Chloe seemed very worried, she looked as if she were about to cry. "I'm ok, what about you guys," Yesterday must have been really hard for them too. "We are ok Marinette," Kagami said calmly. That is one thing I love about Kagami, she is always calm and she doesn't freak out (except from yesterday). 

We chatted for a while, I love being around these guys. They make me happy even at the worst of times. I had forgotten that I was in pain until I moved suddenly. "OWWWW!" I quietly screamed. "Marinette! You need to rest. We should get going," Luka began to get up and so did the others. "See you tomorrow Mari," They all gave me a sweet smile before they left. I felt so lucky to have them. I was 4:00pm so I decided to do some sketching. Time passed and before I knew it, it was 7:30. My parents came and gave me a plate of rice and chicken. I was starving but at the same time the thought of eating made me sick. I sucked it up and ate anyway.


It took a while for her to get better. Luka, Chloe, Kagami and Nino made sure to visit her everyday whether it was all of them or just a few. This made Marinette happy and even more grateful to have great friends. Marinette's parents told the teachers that Marinette had fallen down from the stairs and she needed rest. They were a bit skeptical at first but they were convinced after a while because apparently she was always clumsy (so am I girl😂 ). After quite a while she got up and got ready for school. Monday was her least favourite day. It was going to be a long week.

Thank you guys for reading

I am so sorry I haven't been posting. I have been dealing with some stuff like my friends ignoring me so I had to get stuff sorted before I could start writing. I feel like I say sorry every time I write a chapter. Thank you for almost 90 reads, it means a lot. People say the internet is a bad place filled with bad people but there are good people too. I was wondering if you guys had any name suggestions for new people Marinette was going to be friends with later in the story. If I like any of the names I will mention it in my next few chapters. Also what do you want me to call you guys. I am getting tired of calling you guys. One thing I don't like is when people don't give others credit for things they did. I will always make sure to give you guys credit. I will be writing more chapters after this one so I might post three more. It depends how tired I am. I usually stay up till 4am so maybe more than three. Thank you again for reading this story, it means a lot and I mean a LOT. 😀

Byeeee (I'm only nice for you guys 😀😎)

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