The Park

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Marinette POV

I arrived at the park and walked over to a bench. I was meeting Nino, Chloe, Kagami and Luka here. I was in deep thought until "Ahh!" Chloe had come up behind me and grabbed my shoulders. "Sorry Mari! How are you?" She asked me. She was wearing a pair of jeans with a black top on and a yellow jacket, she had been more relaxed since we started to hang out. "I'm ok, how are you guys?" The rest of them sat beside me. "We are ok," Nino replied. I smiled, I felt lucky to have friends that believed me. We sat and talked about random things till Luka said, "Should we get ice cream?" He pointed to Andre handing out ice cream to many couples and groups. "Sure!" I said. We headed over to his stand and he greeted us with a warm smile. "Ah, Marinette! Here for some ice cream with your friends? Where is your friend uhm... Alya, that's her name!" He asked still grinning. "Yes we are! At the moment Alya and I are... not speaking," I trailed off sadly. Part of me was still sad but I didn't feel as upset as I did. "Oh my! Sorry for bringing it up. I know what would cheer you up, a sweethearts ice cream!" As he said that he gave me and ice cream with an inky black colour for his hair and a deep purple for his eyes. I was quite confused because I had never met anyone with purple eyes before. "Thanks Andre!" The rest of us got our ice creams and went to sit. 

After finishing we decided to have a walk around. "I feel so lucky to have friends like you guys. Thank you for believing me and standing by me," I said, I really meant it. I don't know what I would do without them. "No problem!" Chloe exclaimed. " I could tell that Lila girl, no sorry thing, was bad news as soon as she came," Kagami explained. We all burst out laughing after she said it. Kagami had a disgusted expression on as she said it which made it even more funny. I was enjoying our outing till a group of people came over and it was none other than Lila and her gang. "Look it's the lying brat," Lila remarked. "Lila leave us alone!" Chloe shouted, she wasn't having it. She edged towards us as we moved back and before we knew it we were at the exit to the park. We decided to run as it was are only option but they caught up. Adrian, Kim, Alix and Ivan held back Chloe, Kagami, Nino and Luka while Alya and Lila came closer to me. 

 TW. Fighting and a bit of graphic details. Skip till you see more bold writing. 

Alya twisted my arms behind my back and Lila punched my face. Thick red blood oozed out of my nose. I was sweating so much, my heart was racing. I could feel my body shaking. My chest was screaming. Lila shot another punch at me but this time at my ribs. I immediately fell to the floor. "LILA, STOP!" Chloe screamed, she was breaking into tears. At that comment she kicked me harder in my stomach. I coughed up blood and a bit of vomit came up into my throat. "MARINETTE!" Luka shouted. He too was in tears, all of them were. "P-please... s-stop," I said weakly. I felt like I was being stabbed repetitively. "Why should I?" She kicked me again. "P-please," I pleaded. I couldn't take much more. "Ugh whatever I have better things to do. Come on," she left but not before punching me in the eye. My friends immediately came running towards me, they had stopped crying but were still worried. I felt a sharp pain in my eye and my ribs but I could walk. 

It is over now. It wasn't that graphic but you never know.

They brought me home and my parents dropped everything and rushed over to me. "Marinette, what happened?" I managed to say, "L-lila," before I passed out. 

No one's POV

"That stupid little girl! Thank you guys for bringing her here. If you could please tell my wife everything," They sat down and began to tell everything. By the end of it she was in tears. Marinette had no wounds except from slight bruising on the ribs and all over her hands and face. They didn't call the police because too many of Lila's friend's parents were cops, it would be no use. Marinette's friends left and she lay in her bed. Her parents cleaned her up and put her in bed. "We need to help you Marinette,"

Hey guys,

Thank you soo much for being patient. 80 views, wow, thank you. It means a lot. I just want to give you guys a heads up.  I am so tired. I will try to post tomorrow because I am still studying. 

Bye for now 😑😑

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