Is It Too Much To Handle?

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The time ticks by, edging  loser and closer to freedom...

No Ones POV
She sat alone in the empty room. She dreaded every second that brought her closer to have to relive the abuse of the weeks events. It pained her to even think about it let alone talk about it. Still traumatised, she sat up, the pain rising inside of her. Just like in the small dark room, she ignored the pain and pushed through. It was different this time. This time she was comfortable, this time there was light, this time she wasn't in screaming agony, anxiety rising. This time was different. 'No one will understand, as much as they want to, as much as you want them to, they won't' she thought. She felt alone, lost, confused. All these emotions leading to anger. 'WHY ME, WHY, WHY ME" She internally screamed, more at herself. "I hate this... I don't know what to do. I hate this, I... HATE THIS!" Rage completely over powering any emotions she had left.

A tiny bit graphic (idk what I wrote) skip till you see bold if you don't like it.

She punched the wall closest to her bed. 'That felt good' She thought. a Again and again and again, punch after punch after punch until she felt the sickening smell of warm,metallic blood drip down her knuckles, flooding into every crack. You'd think it hurt but this was nothing compared to the agnoy Lila had put her through. She smirked, that smirk cracked into a small, manic smile. She looked insane. Chuckles escaped her mouth and before you knew it she was cackling, laughing almost. Watching manically as more blood flowed down her hand, seeping into the 'clothes' she wore. "Drip, drip, drip, drip..." on and on, the only thing she would say. Carefully lifting herself of the bed, still repeating the distinctive words, making her way over to a shelf. Thee shelf was littered with many baking trophies, ranging from metal to glass. The frail girl examined the rewards curiously. The very noticeable dark circles in the reflection of one of the glass trophies. She had noticed this and examined that particular one more. Marinette was a mess.  Her hair was all static and untidy, like a birds nest. Her 'clothes' made her feel fat and chubby. They hung off of her shoulders and dragged along the floor, dusting it off. Her eyes were littered with dark spots and eye bags. She couldn't bare it anymore. 'I-I can't' Marinettte thought to herself, anxiety taking over. The sound of the glass shattering got a few peoples attention but the deafening scream that followed was definitely noticeable. The loud footsteps of worried people coming closer and closer until, a rapid tugging could be heard from the outside. The only thing separating them and the depressed young girl was a wooden door.

I guess the triggering part is over (to sum it up Marinette broke some shit and she screamed. She was letting her anxiety take over)

"Marinette, sweetie open the door please!?" Her Maman tried to say calmly but there was no doubt that she was worried. Worried for her daughters health and safety. Another scream urrupted from the girl, this time out of pure sadness. "Marinette, open the door now, please or I'm kicking it down," her Papa stated, getting frustrated that he couldn't help his daughter.
"MOVE OUT THE WAY!" Mister Dupain shouted as he rammed into the wooden door. 4 very worried people flooded in behind him. They were partially relieved that she was in one piece but also concerned for her well being. "Come on," the teenagers man said, struggling to lift her up. "Its time you tell us EVERYTHING,"

          -----------Marinette POV-----------
He sat me down on the sofa and left to get me a glass of water. Forgetting that there were other people there, I broke down. My maman sat next to me, rubbing my back in a circular motion. "S-she h-h-hurt me," I stuttered, still sobbing. It felt like this was now a part of my routine, crying, because I do it so much. "Marinette my baby, I am so so sorry. I am sorry we can't do anything, I am so so so so sorry my baby," my Maman said as she rocked me back and fourth, tears dwelling in her eyes. It's not her fault what is she apologising. "I-I don't k-know what t-to do,". My Papa came back with a drink and told everyone to sit down, even the guests. "Now Marinette, I want you to tell me everything and I mean everything. We may not be able to do anything but I need to know," he stated, showing no sign of me getting out of this. I sighed, "o-ok, umm..........."

I told them everything and I mean EVERYTHING. The pain enflicked on me, her laugh, the way she smiled while I was in pain no- AGONY. Every excruciating detail imaginable. Bye the end of it I had five stunned people sitting infront of me but that didn't last for long.

"How dare she... HOW DARE SHE TOUCH MY CHILD AND GET AWAY WITH IT. AND WE CAN EVEN DO ANTHIMG. THOSE STUPID AUTHORITIES THINK MY SWEET INNOCENT CHILD IS A LIAR. HOW DARE SHE," He could have gone on for hours. Its fair to say that they loathed Lila Rossi. After calming down her apologised for his actions but the guests understood saying that he had Every right to be furious. Chloe on the other hand was shocked. "M-Mari, can I talk to you, alone..." she asked quietly. I agreed and just as I was about to get up everyone left saying it was best for me to rest. The first thing she did was engulf me in a hug, making sure not to hurt me.  "T-the others were so worried, and me, so u came to check on you. I am so so sorry for not being there Mari. I promised I would show you to them, saying you'd be fine b-but,". It wasy turn to be shocked, she still thought it was her fault. "Chlo listen, none if thus was your fault. I'm glad you came her, you really are a true friend. Don't worry about the others we will call them ok?" I assured her. She nodded, releasing me from the hug.  I asked my parents to help me up to my room. Before I went, I thanked the guests for helping me saying I wouldn't of survived without them. "No problem, consider us your new friends," they gave me a warm smile. "If you don't mind we will be back in a week to check on her and try to get to know her,". My parents nodded.

~~~~~~~~~~UP IN HER ROOM~~~~~~~~~~

When we got to my room, I plopped myself on my bed, with the help of Chloe. "Thanks Chlo, should we call everybody now," I honestly don't know what I would do without her, without any of my friends to be exact. They kept me together. She gave a small nod and I said "smile, I'm OK Chlo," she chuckled. We sat on my bed in silence. Ring, ring, ring, ring. The sound echoing throughout my room. "Hello," a female voice said, it was Kagami. "Hey K, us everyone with you?" Chloe began. "Yea, should we do a video call?" Chloe made a sound that indicated a yes. "Heyyyy, Chlo," Nino started, Luka waving in the background. "Hey... Guess what?" She said turning the camera to face me. Three loud, relieved but concerned gasps could be heard through the phone. "H-hey," 'why did I stutter?' I thought. "MARINETTE, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!" They all said in union. Assuming they were referring to the bruises all over my face, I sighed. Again, I told them EVERYTHING.

Once I was done, they had the exact same expression that my parents did. Agnry, guilt and shock. Nino began ranting on how he wanted to kill Lila,uka sat there, still in shock and Kagami... let's just say that she looked like she was plotting to kill.
I toldthem everything wad fine a d was supposed to heal in around a week.

They seemed relieved but also still wanted to crush Lila with their bare hands. Distracting myself from that tragic story, we have some other things to talk about, like the new school!

Hours passed, still chatting away, laughing and just having fun. Until Chloe had to go back home. It was 2pm after all. We alm said our goodbyes and as reluctant as she was to go, she had to or her mom would kill her, more or less.

Once she left I sat there on my bed, my parents checked on me a few times but I just lay there thinking.

••••••••••••••••••No Ones POV•••••••••••••••••

She lay there, in complete silence, no one saying to disturb her peace. Thoughts raced through her mind all at once. It was like a traffic jam except she found it to be less noisy. Alone with her thoughts once more. By around 6:30 she fell asleep, no dinner, drinks, nothing. Sleep was all that could save her now.
Goodnight, Marinette...

Thank you for reading this, I have a few more chapters in the works so yay. I am so fucking grateful for all the support u get form you guys. Thank you again, sorry its short. I was really tired, and sorry if it is sloppy or has typos. I felt like the music fit Marinette but girl instead of boy soo...
See you in the next chapter

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