Just Add Fun

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Thankfully Marinette will be OK. It has been a depressing time for the poor girl so let's  add a bit of fun shall we?

           -----------Marinette's POV-----------

"UGHH!" Just like every other week I had to get out of bed. 'WHY do I bother? Oh right I'm going to a hopefully better school of my dreams' I asked and answered myself. I had  gotten up a bit early, since I wanted to surprise my parents. It is officially the first day of me getting better and it only took me two weeks. I did miss a lot of school but hey, that's good. I didn't have to deal with Lila's crap. And its the weekend so yay. My maman usually wakes me up at 9:30 every Saturday so I got up at nine. Just as I was walking down the stairs "MARINETTE! WAKE UP SWEETIE!" 'Right on time' I thought. "Hey,  Maman, Papa. Good morning. Breakfast smells amazing,". They seemed startled to see me. "Oh your up already? Well, anyways. We have a surprise for you but first have some crepes with us," My Papa said, he set down three plates of crepes drenched in maple syrup. He topped it with strawberries (my favourite) blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. In chocolate sauce he wrote, 'for my sweet little girl'. My Papa never fails to make me smile. "Aww thank you Papa," I was so grateful and I could tell so was Maman. On hers it said 'for my darling wife' " Yes, thank you honey for a delicious breakfast and for the adorable message," my Maman blushed. She always loved it when he did these things. We chat over breakfast about how many orders the bakery had today. Maman and Papa had to go deliver a huge wedding cake to Lyon which was at least 4 and a half hours away. "Ah sweetie, that's where the surprise comes in," I was confused but just at that moment I heard a knock at the door. "Ah, that must be them," my Papa exclaimed as he got up to open the door.

Two rather tall people entered the room. "Hi Marinette!" Miki greeted, 'the girl from the school? Oh right they were going to visit' "H-hi, Mkki right?" I asked 'damn me and my stuttering. She nodded. Next to her was a boy, "Hello, Haru?" He smiled "yep! Have you told her?" My maman shook her head. "Marinette, while we are away for today you will be spending your time with these two lovely young people," I was not at all shocked, I was expecting it, who wouldn't? "Oh cool!" I smiled a small smile and got up. "Are you ready to go, we have some things planned?" They boy asked. I nodded, grabbing my new purse. My old one was upstairs, locked away because it reminded me too much of Tikki. "Marinette, see you soon okay. Have fun!" Papa said. I gave both of my parents a big hug and left but not before saying "you too,".

Once outside we were walking to their car which was quite far since they couldn't find parking. I didn't mind though. I took this time to examine the both of them.

The girl, Miki, was a tall slim girl. Her hair was a pale blonde colour with dark roots, the ends being a nice spanish pink. She had the most gorgeous sapphire blue eyes. She looked a lot like an older Chloe. She was wearing a white crop top reading 'sorry not sorry' (interesting) with a black leather jacket on top. Her trousers were a plain light blue which had holes in them. Finishing off her look with some black ankle boots. Over all, it was safe to say she was stunning.

Moving onto the boy, Haru, he was also quite slim but he had a good build. He had the most beautiful white locks, that reached to the bottom of his neck (probably a bit longer when down), In a ponytail to keep them out of the way. Unlike his girlfriend he had beautiful green, gem -like eyes. Not like Adrian's ugly emerald ones, his were a deep, rich jade colour. He was wearing a t-shirt reading 'not my problem' with gold chain around his neck. Just like his girlfriend he wore loose ripped jeans.

I was so zoned out that I didn't realise we had gotten to the car. "Marinette, helloo?" Haru said, waving his hand in my face. K quickly snapped out of my trance and hopped into the car, after walking into it, I'm such a clutz. "Thanks," I mumbled

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