The Meeting

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Moving on is one of the hardest parts of life. These give teenagers had to do just that. Broken relationships, failed careers, lost friendships and more. But from the sadness they gained so much. They changed their way of thinking. 4 days have passed. They have approximately 3 days left until they start a new school, their new life. Unlike the reputation they had built for themselves back in Paris they could be different, more closed off, less likely to be harmed. What will happen, read to find out.

Marinette POV
I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear. Usually I would be annoyed at the fact of getting up but today I was particularly happy. Today we were going to have a dinner with the staff to get know the people of our school. Not only that but my friends and I have thought of a new way of thinking. If you don't want to be bullied, trampled on, pushed over then don't let them. New school, new life. I can be anyone.
Personally I have decided to be more closed off in the sense of being cautious of the people I surround myself with.

Chloe POV
Like any other day, I got up to get changed. It was bright outside, this was nothing like Paris. From my window I could see a small statue, of a shield. But it was different, it had the four elements on each corner. Everything about this school was so elegant. What made this even better was that we had a dinner with the staff!! Whilst  putting up my hair, I zoned out. Yesterday we had all come up with a plan. Our motto was new school, new life. I could finally be someone not a robot made for my mother's desires. I was free.
Like everyone else I had a plan, I would be friendly but only to my friends otherwise I would ignore others. I couldn't risk being hurt, and I don't want to be Chloe, Paris's president's daughter. I wanted to be Chloe, a girl who looks out for her friends.

Nino POV
I sat on my bed, lost in thought. This was so much to process. I felt excited but lost. What us my purpose, will I be good enough. 'Of course you will be, just try hard' said my inner voice. Its right, if I try hard I'll do my best. But I can't be push - over Nino. I need to be more assertive, friendly but also able to stand up for himself. I'm tired of being scared or afraid. No one can put me down. New school, new me.

Kagami POV
I don't need to change. Is what I told myself. Unlike my other friends, I was already how they wanted to be. Im happy the way I am. I'm glad that they are finding themselves. I am already friendly but assertive. I'm not afraid to speak my mind and I think that is what matters. I hope they find themselves. Although one things for sure, I can dress how I'd like. No more pre - set outfits.

Luka POV
I sat there, on my bed. Staring at the ground, strumming my guitar. What was I going to do. I had to find my place in this school. I was slightly stressed and it showed through my music. I was happy with my mindset. I was happy some of my friends where ready, ready to find the real them. Nothing could be better. My tune slowly softened into a nice melody. I lay there, memorised by the sound.

Times skip to breakfast - No ones POV

It was 10:30, the friends sat around table. Since they were new they had their own private table. Most students went back to their families for the summer. "Hey guys I was thinking and I think I know what I want to do, what I want to be," Marinette exclaimed. "Really, that's great! I think I have too," Chloe replied, Nino nodding along. "Well, Nino what's your idea," "Well, if I want to be successful then I can't let people walk all over me. I want to be more assertive but still keep a cool, relaxed vibe,". Chloe's eyes widened, "No way, me too. I want people to know me for Chloe, that girl who loves her friends, not Chloe, the president's daughter who everyone should be scared of,". Marinette smiled, she was glad they had found themselves. "Well, I had an idea along the same lines. I just don't want to be trampled on, I want to be a bit more closed off, nice but more cautious with my choices," "I think that's great Marinette. I think I speak for both me and Kagami when we say we are on with how we are,". Kagami nodded. "Yes, although, I now have the freedom to dress properly  and how I'd like," she chuckled. They all had a laugh until breakfast was over.
"Well dinner is at 7:30 till around 10. It is 11:30. We have around 5 hours until we have to go to our forms, shower and get ready,". Chloe always seemed to be the organised one. She was a planner alright. "OK great. I was thinking we change and go to the pool. They have a bar there that serves non alcoholic mocktails and we could take a swim and shower after," Marinette suggested. "That's great, the bar also has a restaurant so we could eat there too,". Nino exclaimed, he was a pool lover.

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