Who am I?

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I sat crying in the corner of my room not wanting to come out, I thought things couldn't get worse but it just did.


I was walking home from school, it was just like yesterday. they pulled me into anther room and beat me up. They took every chance to throw an insult at me in class and trip me up in the hallways. I ran out just like yesterday, people whispering behind me. I was walking to the park after telling my parents that I'd be out for a bit when Master Fu sent me a message saying to meet him at this house. I rushed over there just incase it was an emergency. "Master Fu, are you there?" I called. At this point I was in the house. "Hello Marinette, I have some news, good and bad. The good news is that we have defeated Hawkmoth," At this I went berserk and Tikki flew out with a smile on the face but Wayzz looked sad. "What's the bad news?" I asked obviously curious, Hawkmoth is defeated, what could be wrong? "Marinette, I am afraid we have to strip you of your miraculous," My face dropped from a smile to tears, "why?" Tikki asked, she was on the verge of tears. "There is no danger and I don't find you suitable to be Ladybug anymore. Unlike you Cat Noir gets to keep his miraculous," I started sobbing with Tikki hugging me. "W-why does h-he get t-to keep h-his m-miraculous and I-I don't?" I cried in between nearly every word. "I have been informed that you have been bullying a girl called Lila Rossi and I have decided that you are not fit to keep Tikki any longer," He said calmly but with a bit of madness in his voice. "Master F-," Tikki started but he cut her off "I don't want any excuses, Tikki say goodbye," He stated simply with no sympathy in his voice. She came up to me and hugged me, she hugged me so tight "Goodbye Marinette," She said now in floods of tears. "Goodbye Tikki," I was crying as much as she was. "Take off the earrings and give them to me, NOW" I took them off and I watch as Tikki disappeared. I started to cry even more and Wayzz, the kwami of protection, came up to me. "Master, don't you think your being to harsh, surely Marinette wouldn't do this," He tried to convince him but he didn't listen. "Wayzz we have the evidence, now she is no longer a miraculous holder so please step away from her. Marinette, you may leave," He said quite firmly. I ran out, my tears drenching my face.

When I got home my parent rushed to me and took me inside, I was shaking from head to toe. "Sweetie, what's wrong. If it's that Lila girl again I will-," "No Maman, they beat me up but it's not that," I began to explain to them every detail of my secret life, from becoming Ladybug to getting my miraculous stripped. By the end of it they looked shocked. "My little girl, was Ladybug," My Papa said with amazement. "After all you have done that old man strips you of your powers, I'm sorry honey, you don't deserve this," My Maman, whose name is Sabine, Whispered sympathetically pulling me into a hug. I cried into my Mother and Fathers arms. Why, why me I thought, what did I do to deserve this? The rest of the day was just like yesterday, I went upstairs got changed and lay down contemplating the days events.

Hi guys,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it took me a while but I got it done. I am currently laying in bed right now typing this. I hope you liked it and the next chapter will be out soon.


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