All I Know is Pain

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This chapter may be a bit triggering but idk because my descriptions are bad so yeah. It has violence and just a bit of graphic stuff. I am not sure i wrote it very well though so enjoy?

No ones pov - me bold
Another day, another beating. Is how Marinette has started to view the world. She is currently 1 month away from freedom. She hasn't told anyone that she was moving, and doesn't plan to. She has decided to let them get the last bits of satisfaction before their little 'puppet' leaves. Since she turned down Lila she has been quite confident. Lila on the other hand, was still seething, plotting. She had vowed to make her life hell and that is exactly what she will do. She doesn't have a lot of time to do it but she doesn't need to know that. Marinette will be on sn emotional roller coaster this last month, just wait and see.

Marinette Pov
"Ughhhhhhh" I groaned as I trudged down the pearly white stairs of my house. My mother took pride in having such a clean house, it also explains how we have such  a high score on our food hygiene rating. I was enjoying my breakfast until I got a phone call. It Immediately set off my bad mood. Why do they always call me at the worst times. Reluctantly I picked up the phone and realised it was my new school. My mood improved slightly but I was still annoyed. Nevertheless, I picked up the phone and masked my annoyance and changed my grumpy attitude to a happy, energized one. "Helloo?" I said, I was suddenly feing anxious and bubbly at the same time. "Hello, miss Dupain-Cheng? Hello, sorry to disturb but we have soke news for your. We didn't want to alarm you so just a heads up. Later today a few students from our school shall be coming to help you settle in and so you can make a few new friends too. I have sent all the rest of the information via email and have forwarded it l to your parents as well," I was quite stunned as to how quick and formal she talked. It was like a robot was speaking to me. Pushing my shock aside I began " I can assure you your not interrupt at all a single thing." Who says that!!! "Thank you so much for the heads up. I shall take a look a the email as soon as possible. Thank you again," now I sounded like a robot. I was nervous so I spoke in the most formal way I could muster. She thanked me for my time and hung up the phone. Oh my God, I am such an idiot.  "Hey Maman, I'm off to school," I dashed out the door, not ever remembering to give my parents a hug. That last thing I could hear was a faded, "have a good day at school sweetie!". I pulled out my phone and opened up the email.

Dear Miss Dupain-Cheng,
You may have been informed of some certain students to come and help you before you take place in our school. Your friends have received the same email although they won't be needing as much help as this is more of a personal matter. We are also informed of your past history with certain people so they are there to make you feel comfortable in your new school. They shall be arriving later today to pick you up from school. Your parents have been informed and we have full permission to take you. Please look out for a red car,. The number plate is RY12UKU
Thank you, we are delighted you are coming to our school.
Ms Riku, the office.

Wow, so they will pick me up later today after school. I think that will be OK. I wonder what they are like. I hope they are nice.

As I walked through the doors of the school I now hated most, Chloe appeared next to me. Chloe was the only thing keeping me from going insane. She is actually a great friend, if you would of said 9 months ago that I would be best friends with Chloe I would have laughed and said no way. Not only did she have an amazing personality but she was drop dead gorgeous. Her wavy long blonde hair caressed her face gently and her ocean blue eyes complemented all her other features. I mean who wouldn't want to look like her. She was stunning  "Hey Chlo, what's up," She greeted me with the warmest smile. "Not much but did you get the email? Apparently you are being picked up by some people from the school," she squealed. I shushed her, I still didn't want anyone knowing that I was leaving till last minute. "Yea I did, apparently I'm getting some extra sessions because of my past with you-know. Speak of the devil," As I was whispering to Chloe, the one and only Lila Rossi showed up. Are you kidding me, her. "Hello, Marinette," she said with spite. I have decided from now on I will not react and instead kill them with kindness. "Hello, Lila," I said, forcing a smile. I hated her, she made my life hell. It was hard to retain myself from hitting her in the face but I managed to control myself. "Marinette may we talk, alone," she asked, her face was completely straight. "No she wo-" Chloe began but I cut her off. I gave her the,' I have to do this' look and she nodded. I followed her into an empty store cupboard, I'll admit I was scared but she couldn't know that.
So like, my descriptions of violence are really bad but if you don't like it then skip till you see a bold part.

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