Chapter 5-my whores.

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"Friends are medicine for a wounded heart, and vitamins for a hopeful soul"

"Let's play Marco Polo! Rose you're it" josh states while swimming away from me almost kicking me

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"Let's play Marco Polo! Rose you're it" josh states while swimming away from me almost kicking me.

I look at jake and Damian who are starring at josh already across the pool from us

"okay I'll be it" ha loser they don't know how great I am at this game. I'm so good I can do this in my sleep.

They don't know what's coming

"Give us 1 minute to swim away" jake tells me and I just nod and close my eyes.

"Marco" I yell cupping my mouth. I wonder if anyone will play mermaid with me.

"Can we play mermaid" I question keeping my eyes closed. it'll be so much fun.

I'm a fast swimmer I'll win any game. Oh maybe we can all buy mermaid tails!


"Fuck no"
"sure after this game"

Well at least josh will. That's why he's my favorite. Joking I love them all just at different times one is always better.

Usually it's Damian. He's just so kind to me. Everyone needs a bestie like him.

I hear them all come from one direction.

one direction oh I love them especially Harry fricken styles. He doesn't know it yet but me and him are dating.

3 years strong going on 4.

I swim towards the direction I had heard them then again yell "Marco" only to hear the same 'polos' being yelled from what I've gathered across the pool.

I walk/run as fast as I can but due to me being in water it feels like I'm going at a snails pace. I hurry to catch them before, only struggling a bit.

Ha idiots.

When I'm certain they're right in front of me, I pounce.

I collide with the side of the pool and immediately Freeze. It's a strong painful feeling as a rub my waist and bite my lip. I try to remind myself that I'm hulk and I can easily take the pain but the more I rub it, the more it hurts.

I think i broke my rib cage.

"Open your eyes" josh snickers from around me. I feel my nose twitch and slowly open my eyes back up.

I look around and the frickers are out the pool.

No wonder I didn't catch them.

This is infuriating.

"You did this to me." I point a finger at each of them letting them know I'll never forget this.

"Cheaters. y'all lost, I won now make me a cake." I demand.

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