Chapter 28- move in.

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"growth is painful, change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong"

"growth is painful, change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong"

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I'm at school. Seattle university how fun.

I check my schedule for the day and see I have 3 classes. I'm hungry. I hurry and find my way to my class.

What way is it? I go the left side because why not and soon find my first class, animal science.
Why is there so many people? I'm going to throw a rock at them all. Frickin losers.

I find my way to a seat in the front because well if I sit in the back I won't pay attention. I then hurry and place my bag next to me then take out my phone. I decide to text Damian. 'Help I don't like it here I think I'm going to die'

I put my phone down and a few seconds later hear it buzz. 'You're fine' I narrow my eyes at the message then respond with 'how would you know dude'

I wait a few seconds and don't get a response. The professor comes in and I tuck my phone in the side of my bag. I'm going to knock this fella out and make a run for it.

After an hour of me sitting there extra quietly and still, I sigh in relief when he finished up his speech. Professor shay. He's an odd fella.

I sit down on a small bench and take out my phone. Damian hasn't answered so I decide to shoot him another text. What's so important he's not answering me? I'm a fricking Cool bean.

I'm sleepy. I almost fall asleep on the bench silly me. I stand and prepare to go to my next class. I look for it and find it quickly. I'm a smart cookie.

Before I know it im already done for the day. 1:30 that gives me enough time to take a nap so that's currently where im headed. I don't even stop by to get Starbucks!

I'm just too tired.

Once I'm home I get off and stroll inside straight to my bedroom. I'm hungry. And tired. Mostly tired.
I plop on the bed and immediately fall asleep.


What feels like a few seconds later I'm awoken by my cellular device ringing. I hang up not even checking the call and close my eyes.

The ringing starts again. Whoever is interrupting my nap is fixing to have a bloody nose. Uppercut.

"Hello" I answer half asleep.

"Where are you"

"Who wants to know"

"Rosaline where are you"


"No you're not"

"Yes I am, now goodnight"

"Are you at your aunts?"

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