Chapter 40- my bad.

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"The best part of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you"

"The best part of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you"

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I woke up this morning bright and early to walk buddy and benji. It's been quite some time since the party and carter hasn't talked to me very much. Although he does owe me a coffee.

"Look guys I just think it'll be so cool if I swam with sharks" I tell my doggy's while unlocking the door. Buddy immediately runs to drink water then rushes up the stairs probably to go snuggle up with Damian. They've gotten pretty darn close and I won't lie it's infuriating. I'm only a tad bit jelly.

I glance to benji and he's taking his time drinking his water. I plop down next to him and stroke his fur. He sits down and we stay on the floor for a few seconds. Now I love buddy he's been there and comforted me every time but benji here is so cute and loves me more. He follows me everywhere and I quite enjoy the company.

"Rosaline" I hear my name being yelled and chuckle. He just really misses me. Standing up I sigh smiling and speed walk upstairs. Benji runs past me and jumps on the bed while I stand at the edge.

"Yes?" I question amusedly. Damian glares at me openening his arms, I walk towards him and as soon as I get within arms reach he pulls me on top of him. "Where'd you go?" He grumbles kissing the top of my head.

He starts playing with my hair and it starts to make me sleepy. He knows what he's doing. "To walk the dogs" I mumble out closing my eyes. He humms

A few seconds later he stops messing with my hair and suddenly I'm not tired anymore. Odd.

I sit up and look behind me. He's so cute he's sound asleep with buddy next to him. What shall I do?
I'm going to pull a fun prank on someone but who?

After a lot of consideration I decide to prank Gen. It'll be so much fun. I text josh to get here quietly, fast and to not tell a soul where he's going oh and go bring a blonde wig.

I go downstairs like a ninja and skillfully open the door holding up a finger telling josh to be quiet. He looks at me weirdly and furrows his eyebrows, a confuzzled look on his face.

"What are we doing and who are we pranking" josh evilly chuckles and holds up the wig. I grab it and point up stairs. "So I'm going to put this b word on and lay down next to Damian then you're going to snap a photograph and send it to gen" I explain whispering.

Josh smiles evilly and nods. "Then we can leave and pretend you were never here so that she think he cheated" he adds happily agreeing to help. I quietly cackle and put the wig on.

Josh helps and I look in the mirror. It looks real maybe I should dye my hair blond. Or red. Or purple. Or Damians favorite color baby blue. I know it secretly is baby blue he's just a bit ashamed to admit.

We go back upstairs and I start to head over to the bed but josh stops me. "Wait put this on" he whispers shoving Damians shirt at me. I grin and pull the shirt on top of my current outfit tank top and shorts.

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