Chapter 32- cheats.

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"Chemistry between people is the strangest science of all."

I cheated

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I cheated. Whoops my bad hehe. Let's just say gen is not going to be a happy fella. Last week we declared to eat healthy and become healthy people. Of course that only lasted me 1 day. I ate a big ol burger and do I regret it? Heck no.

Now I'm on my way to Damians work to tell him of my sin. I fibbed and told gen I have been super duper healthy. Do I regret it? Heck yes.

"Love, I'm here" I announce walking in. I wave and say hi to a few of my friends then take a seat in my chair. He smooches my lips and I put down my coffee then put on my game face. I need to tell someone of my actions. "There's something I need to tell you" I begin then clear my throat.

"So I cheated this morning and I feel horrible" I deadpan. Jake gasp and even the pen in his hand falls. I look to Damian and his eyes are looking between both of mine. "What?" He Mumbles glancing up from a file. It was only a frickin burger gosh darn it, I'll just run it off later.

"Are you calling me fat?" Now it's my turn to be shocked. "What did you do" he grumbles getting up. I stand too. Where are we going? "What do you mean what? I cheated with gen" I explain.

"Oh my fuck so she cheated on Ethan too" Jake exlaims. "What the heck, who cheated?" I ask looking between both of them. Was it ethan? He's about to get a fist full of face. Or is it a fi- Nevermind I don't have time. Damian groans. "Tell me what you did?" He slowly says nodding at me, annoyance in his voice.

"I told you I cheated with gen, I was supposed to be eating healthy but I didn't and lied to her about it" I explain."I cheated with our deal" I continue. Jake burst out laughing and walks out. Damian rolls his eyes and sits. "Why'd you stand I thought we were leaving?" I make my way back to my seat and sit too.

"I thought yo- nevermind" he cuts himself off. I wave it off ignoring and roll around in my chair. "So anywho don't tell her what I did okay?" If he does I'm dead meat man. "Or I'm taking you down with me" I warn in all seriousness.

If we're being honest I have a 65 percent suspicion she cheated as well.

"Hi bitches what are we doing" gen comes in with a drink. What kind of drink is it? I'm going to catch her. "Hey can I have some water?" I ask innocently. Her eyes flood with nervousness. "Oh no I added lemon and apple cider it's not that good" she mumbles. I don't buy it.

"Oh extra healthy good Cmon I'm thirsty" I dramatically sigh and reach my hand out. From the corner of my eye I see Jake smirk. "Why don't you take a sip of your coffee there?" He teases with a smile pointing to it. Gulp. "It's not mine it's Damians" I respond quickly shoving the coffee in his chest.

He scrunches his nose and looks at it like I poisoned it. "Dude, drink it!" I whisper. He shakes his head. "You're making me look bad right now" I scold.

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