Chapter 10-Promise.

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"Are you afraid to fall in love?
I'm afraid of being the only one who falls"

"Are you afraid to fall in love?I'm afraid of being the only one who falls"

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Im extremely tired.

It's gotten quite busy. We had the usual evening rush but it's slowed down just a bit.

Looking around I spot Abbie clearing a table too close to me.

It's been 3 hours and I have yet to go near her or anyone for that matter. Maybe the lord is on my side.

Or maybe I've been doing anything to avoid her including cleaning every single table that's free.


Only 2 more hours, today's a short shift 3-8. In 30 minutes I also get my break. I'll have to sit alone but I don't mind it's actually peaceful.

I should listen to that song lonely. Hehehe and buy a beanie to be jughead Jones.

Once I finish cleaning my table I go to the next one and spot someone I was not expecting.

diego! i met him a while back when i went on a walk around my new neighborhood. I found out his mom is friends with my aunt!

I wait a bit and realize he's here alone so I go up to him.

He looks up to me and gives me a big smile. "rosaline I didn't know you worked here, how have you been?" He questions while getting up and giving me a hug.

I've been traveling... all around my backyard. Actually I do wish I can travel the world but I'm a broke child.

Wrapping my hands around his neck feeling happy there's someone here I know I smile

"I've been okay, it's my 3rd week working here! What are you doing here?" I question back, fully intrested.

maybe he's on a date. He does look pretty fancy.

I look around for the maybe future mrs but don't spot anyone. Maybe he's alone, I go on dates alone all the time. Spending time with yourself is a necessity.

"Well I just got done with work and I came to stop by and eat something" he tells me holding my hands.

A sweetheart. he's so nice.

"Well if you" I point to him. "Want my amazing company" I point to myself. "I go on break in 30 minutes I can join you!" I squeal out excitedly.

He looks deep in thought when suddenly he picks up his cellular device and wallet. "What time are you off?" Why does he want to know?

I look at him suspiciously "who wants to know" I question squinting my eyes at him.

In times like these I wish I had a mean glare like Damian. But apparently I just look like I can't see.

"Me, now what time" excuse me fella that is top information.

I work as an international spy, black widow to be exact. Oh and a waitress. But it's my undercover job obviously.

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