Chapter 12-The date.

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"And If love be madness, may I never find sanity again"

"And If love be madness, may I never find sanity again"

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we're going on our date.

This morning the weirdo didn't want to get up but I punched him and he finally got up and headed to work. After some time I got up. Today I worked morning shift and just got out 3 o clock.

I have 3 hours so I decide to read a new book I just got called 'this is our story'

It's supposed to be really good so I'm very excited to read it. I have nothing else going on so I relax with buddy on my bed and start reading.

When I finish a chapter I decide to take a break from reading and go downstairs. My aunt Victoria sits on a stool with a book and an iced tea.

"Hi honey, are you hungry?" She puts her book down and scrunches her eyebrows together waiting for a reply.

I debate on telling her then go with why the heck not.

"I'm going on a date so I'm saving my appetite for later!" I excitedly tell her.

"Someone I know?" She hums pulling out the stool next to her.

I take a seat and feel my cheeks burn.

"I don't think so. His name is Damian, he's a nice guy I met when I first moved here! I think we've known each other two months now" I explain.

"This is so exciting! I can help you get ready honey it'll be so much fun" she squeals and stands.

"You don't have to! I probably won't do a lot but thank you, it means a lot" I tell her softly. I feel a tad bit bad for not pushing for it but there really is no point if I'm just doing a casual date.

"Okay well you tell me all about it when you get home" she tells me sternly.

"Yes ma'am" I giggle out and stand.

"I'm a bit tired so I might head up to my room and rest a bit before my date"  i yawn.

There's no reason I should be this tired. I've done nothing all day!

I look at the time 4:07 it's enough time for a quick nap.

So I take a hour long nap.

When I wake up due to my alarm I check the time.
5:03 okay one hour left I should get ready.

I grab the dress which is a simple pink but still elegant kind of dress. I really like it.

He did good.
I like him.

I'm a simp.

Ah just kidding I'm a local pimp.


Joking again I can't even get a guy to look my direction.

Moving on, I then do my makeup.

The other day Damian did it for me. I told him it'll make me very happy and after some persuasion and un-kind words ranging from 'fudge no' to 'I'm not touching that shiz' he agreed.

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