Chapter 27- benji.

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"It beats. it breaks. it aches.  for you. Only you."


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Zoo. That's where we're currently at. I dragged Damian here today because I really want to see some tigers and lions. Well the whole zoo.

"Damian look the monkeys, that one looks like you" I tease. He turns to the monkey and examines it. He's an odd fella.

"And you look like that bear" I look around quickly. I don't see any. Does he have super vision and can see them afar? "What bears" I ask irritated. If I don't see bears or tigers I will sue.

"Don't know" he shrugs then walks away from me. I ignore him and speed walk closer to him. I have to catch up or he'll leave and I'll be forced to fend for myself. What if I fall in?

"Wait for me dude" Damian entangles our hands and we continue looking. I see a sign that reads 'tigers to the left' While Damians on his phone I untangle our hands and rush that way.

I look behind and he's still looking down at the cellular device. Well then. I'll just steal a lion see if he notices. Hurrying I speed walk and turn spotting the tigers.

I want one.

I look at one and we make eye contact. I think this is destiny. We're meant to be best of friends. I look around then leaning down I cup my mouth and whisper not too quite but so only he can hear "don't worry fella im coming tonight to rescue you"

I nod repeatedly at the tiger with my eyes wide.

"Yep and we're going to rule the world well, we have to include buddy, you're going to love him" I smile and sit.

People walk by but they ignore me for the most part. The tiger is on the other side laying down. We're having a conversation.

"So you'll have to do your part and distract your tiger friends okay? We can't have them risk the oppe-"

"Rosaline" I hear someone shout my name and look up. Damian is jogging towards me.

"Where the fuck did you go?" I nod my head towards the tiger and smile widely like a creeper. I'm so excited I made a tiger friend.

"You could've told me i was looking all around this fucking place trying to find you" he says with annoyance. Suck it b word. He holds his hand out to help me up.

I sigh and frown. Slowly getting up I turn back and the tiger looks at me. "Goodbye I'll see you another time" I softly whisper to him or her.

Damian grabs my hand and we begin to walk but I see the sign. 'Meet our tigers they're fierce but can also be surprisingly playful'

Under that it has their names. I look for mine and spot her. It's a she and her name is nyla. I love it, I love her.

"Can we tigernap her?" I ask Damian slightly turning my head and looking up. He stares at me like he's trying to read me. I'm not a book fella.

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