Chapter 9-cuddles.

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"You might not end up where you thought you were going, but you will always end up where you were meant to be"

"You might not end up where you thought you were going, but you will always end up where you were meant to be"

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We are now at a diner getting breakfast for us and the guys.

They called to ask where we are a few minutes ago then josh demanded we bring back food so that's currently what we're doing.

I'm in the car with buddy while Damian is inside picking up the food.

I made him get off. well, I threatened him. If he didn't I would give him a  knuckle sandwich. Not quite sure how to do that but I bet it'll hurt.

I also have work today in about 4 hours so that's fun I guess. Now, a part of me is nervous about showing up there after everything but the other part is assured that she wouldn't try anything.

Not to toot my own horn but i Rosalind Emerson once killed a spider, it was an accident but still. I'm even sure if it came down to it i can wrestle an alligator.

Maybe even a gorilla.

I hear the door open and Damian is back with burritos and drinks.

Frick yes.

"Here hold the bag" he tells me as he gets in the drivers seat then tosses the bag to me.

Smells quite delicious.

The food not him.

"Step on it, Cmon Tom dorreto" I cheer slapping his shoulders a few times. Buddy barks behind me probably smelling the good food.

We get there quickly with me jamming out to my amazing tunes, Damian on the other hand every once in a while glances over to me giving me a weird look.


Walking in the room josh gets up the bed mumbling something about 'starving' and 'million years" I don't know that's all I heard.

"So rose are you still going to work today?" Jake questions as I'm finishing up feeding buddy the rest of my burrito.

What? he's hungry too.

"Yea in about 3 hours, now I'll be okay but first I'm going to nap" I look around for buddy and plop on the bed tapping the spot next to me "come here my love let's cuddle" I call him to lay with me

To my shock instead of a soft and warm small body I feel a large hard warm body lay on me.

Who the heck is this? Opening my eyes I spot Damian smirking down at me looking happy with himself. "You called for me, love" idiot I called buddy not him.

"Don't you have work? I was calling buddy now move out the way" I grumble trying to move him once again not succeeding so I do what any normal person would.

I wrap my arms around his neck throw one leg on top of his while he pulls a blanket on us and get comfy.

Josh and jake leave to do some work but Damian stays behind to keep me company in napping.

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