Chapter 14-family.

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"Be like a flower, survive in the rain but use it to grow"

"Be like a flower, survive in the rain but use it to grow"

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Oh oh I'm in trouble.

Damian gets out the car clearly upset and rushes to me then hugs me. I don't hug back I'm still upset.

"What the fuck. you can't just leave I've been shitting myself worried about you" I glare at him.

"I called you fucking a hundred times. what are you doing walking alone?" I continue glaring.

"I'm not alone I have buddy" I tell Him matter of factly.

It's 1 in the morning now hehe.

He sighs. "What's wrong why'd you leave" he questions me, a tight hold around my waist.

Gosh darn it how am I going to escape now? I attempt to wiggle my way free but he just pulls me closer so I give up.

I sigh "you don't like me" he furrows his eyebrows.

"Fuck I don't" I look at buddy.

He looks away.


You betrayed me, and I know that you'll never feel sorry for th- nope not the time.

"You were thinking about other girls."

He looks at me shocked then realization hits him like a truck.

I'm running him over with a huge truck.

He laughs. This isn't funny. I look at him dying of laughter and almost burst out laughing myself but I contain myself.

"Baby I was teasing it was only once and I was drunk I don't even fucking remember the bitch's face"

He's telling me I was upset for nothing.

It's not my fault okay, he never jokes around lord forgive me the one time he does I get jelly.

Well gosh darn it I walked a whole mile for nothing.
Buddy enjoyed it. Lucky duck.

I punch his shoulder. "You fricking b word I was upset for nothing I hope you step on a lego"

Those hurt really badly I almost feel bad about hoping for that but I walked far he deserves it.

He kisses me, I don't kiss back.

"Kiss me" he mumbles pouting like a little cutie. I shake my head and attempt to walk away. Attempt.

"Kiss me" he repeats once more giving my bootie a big slapper. I gasp and he smirks, once again I shake my head and this time glare at him.

Damian squeezes my butt and frowns. "Kiss me" he grumbles pointing to his lips. I bite back a smile and lean up giving him a good smooch. Damian lifts me up and before we know him we're making out in the middle of a street.

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