Chapter 15-furious.

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"Having a soulmate is not about love. You can find your soulmate in a friendship too"

 You can find your soulmate in a friendship too"

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It's been one whole day since I last saw Damian. They've been really close on finding a little girl who was kidnapped. Lord help her.

Wherever she's at.

I'm currently driving back from Starbucks to damians house. Apparently he fired someone on his team for slacking too much and then someone sent him two new replacements that both happen to be females.

I'm going to make new friends.

I bought 8 drinks from Starbucks. I felt really bad I mean I would have been upset too.

I pull in the driveway then get off with my drinks extremely excited.

I need help I have the 2 carriers my keys my phone and my wallet.

I didn't think this through.

I put down one carrier then open the door. Skillfully I pick it up and close the door with my foot.

"My love where are you" I yell out to him since I haven't spotted him yet.

"Over here hurry the fuck up" ahh there he is.

I walk over to his meeting room and smile widely showing the coffee.

"Look what I brought my favorite whores" josh and Ethan give my cheek a kiss and the rest say thank you.

I then take mine and grab damians then head over to him. He's in detective mode. Files everywhere. There's also a girl sitting on the couch.

She must be one of the new recruit.

I walk over to her only almost tripping once.

She rolls her eyes and laughs at me.

That's not nice.

"Hello I'm rosaline it's nice to meet you"

She doesn't really acknowledge me.

"Umm I brought 2 extra coffees if you want one. trust me they're delicious" I only get the best.

"Ok" I nod and go back to behind the desk and sit in my chair damian got me a few weeks ago.

Everyone knows this spot is mine hehehe.

"She seems Umm nice but where's the other one" I swear there was 2.

"Bathroom" I nod and go on my phone answering messages. I hear the door open and look up.


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