Chapter 18- nail day.

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"I admit my level of weirdness is above the national average, but I'm comfortable with that."

I'm doing something wonderful today

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I'm doing something wonderful today. I just left target with supplies to do dip powder acrylic nails. I've been watching many tutorials and I'm almost positive I got this.

Now I'm pulling into Damians house. Oh he's so going to love what I have planned for us. I look at the time 5:09 this should only take 1 hour. Or 2.

Who knows. Time flys when your in love hehe.

I slam open the door giddily walking up the stairs with my target bag in one hand and my coffee in the other.

Where oh where, are you my love.

"My love" I yell out dragging out the love.

"Shut up" ahh there's my lovely man. I rush back downstairs and go into the living room. He's sitting there in his great almighty god looking self.

I almost bow down to his abs. He's only in his undies.

I narrow my eyes at him put my bag on the table and rush upstairs grab his sweat pants then go back down and throw them at him. "Fuck I want these for?" I sigh. "Just put them on dude"

He listens to me and buddy comes running from where he's at. "buddy I missed you so very much look" I dig into the bag and take out 2 new bowls I bought him and his new toy. "I bought my favorite pal a toy, oh your so cute" i gush giving his belly a scratch.

I throw the toy and he runs after it. He runs around playing alone. My mood turns sour. "Damian" I call and look at him. "Hm" I put my game face on and narrow my eyes at him putting my hands on my hip for serious measurement.

"I think buddy needs a friend" Damian looks behind me at buddy who's playing alone then back at me. "He's fine" I dramatically fall on the couch

I will get buddy a friend if it's the last thing I do. I'm not giving up on this matter for buddy and myself I mean double the cuddles and kisses. Win-win.

"But he's lonely" he narrows his eyes at me. "He has us" okay I'm only slightly giving up today but only because I want to get on with the other thing I have planned.

We're gonna do sexy time.I'm seducing him...

Joking that's not till marriage I promised grandma unless I'm really in love, in which case grandma said frick the wedding. Moving on I'm gonna do his nails. Full on set. I would do my own but Umm I tried and failed so I need a hand model.

He's perfect, his hands are spectacular.

I carefully lay my tools on the table and grin at him. He looks between the supply's and me. "Fuck is your crazy ass up to now" that's his favorite word I think. Fuck.

"I'm going to do your nails" he glares at me. I did nothing wrong I just want him to have pretty hands. Is that so wrong. "Hell no" "heck yes"

"Fuck no" "fu-" he covers my mouth eyes widened.

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