Chapter 43

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Happy reading 😊
Ignore my grammatical errors:)

Taehyung is now 5 month pregnant. The pretty male doing pretty good, but the thing is he's absolutely dependent on Chocolates , he says " I can't eat anything peacefully other than chocolates  , our berry loves chocolate"  Which is true . He's sensitive to some smells and having a proper meal  is like winning a war for taehyung. But the doctor said taehyung needs to consume less sweet food , he's consuming for than he should .

Taehyung didn't went to office today because last night he couldn't sleep well because he vomited quite a lot of time . From his pregnancy experience  he was sure that morning sickness doesn't only happens in the Mornings. Even though he is now 5 month pregnant still the morning sickness and the nauseous feeling didn't went away.

Now taehyung was carefully coming downstairs one of his hands is holding the railing and one is on his baby bump.

He came downstairs and looked around the living room , he felt so happy when he saw there's no one around . He slowly walked towards the kitchen and to his very good luck no one's was there also . He smirked. "All clear ,I can have my Ice cream now yummmmm" he thought

He looked at his phone to check the time , it's too early for jungkook to come back home . So he doesn't need to be afraid.

He took one spoon from the counter and  took out the big strawberry ice-cream tub from the freezer.

" You're all mine, my lovely ice cream ,you don't know how much I crave for you, I want to devour you. I love you " he said , dreamingly looking at the Ice cream.  He waited so much because no one allowed him to have ice-cream because one taehyung catch cold easily and two he needs to control sugar intakes.

He took a spoonful ice-cream Infront of his mouth  and he was about to put it inside his mouth but -

" Taehyung stop right There " jungkook shouted, more louder than he should.

Taehyung looked at the direction from where jungkook was shouting. His eyes went wide and his mouth still open . He shocked " koo is going to scold me now it's he?? " 

Jungkook came near taehyung  and snatched away the Ice-cream tub from him , gain a Loud whine from the younger.


Taehyung lips wobble and his eyes became teary . What did he do he just wanted to have some ice-cream? No it's not his fault . Baby berry wants to have some Ice cream . But why's jungkook shouting at him like a mad man. He again called him taehyung ,he doesn't like it a bit when the older doesn't call him  baby love or baby boo.

" W-why y-you s-shouting , b-baby w-wants it " taehyung mumbled in a small voice . His eyes not meeting with Jungkook's. He saw jungkook's Face when the older was shouting. Jungkook looked so angry.

" FUCKING STOP SAYING THAT TAEHYUNG, HOW CAN YOU BE SO CARELESS" jungkook  couldn't hold back his anger.

He was shouting so loudly that mingyu came running into the kitchen. He saw how jungkook was shouting at taehyung and the younger was just looking down  while he was crying.

" Kook, stop what happened ? Stop shouting like that you're scaring taehyung " mingyu said and walked towards taehyung. He hugged the younger boy who started sobing in his arms.

" Eomma ask him what he did. I told him thousands time not to have Ice cream, but no being stubborn as always he was having ice-cream again " jungkook explained, he is so blinded by his anger that he is not seeing how his words were hurting taehyung.

" Okay , I understand but kook , you don't need to  shout at him , see he is crying " mingyu wiped taehyung's tears and tried to make his son understand his point. But jungkook is not in his right mind .

"  He can cry all he wants"

Now this broke taehyung's heart. He himself doesn't know what took over him maybe his pregnancy hormones ,he too shouted " I DON'T WANNA STAY WITH YOU , YOU BIG MEANIE , I WANT  TO GO TO EOMMA  NOW "

Jungkook looked at his husband. Did he heard it right? Taehyung said he wants to leave him? He doesn't wanna stay with him ? That triggered his anger more.

" FINE " he was holding taehyung wrist not too hard to hurt him. He dragged taehyung outside and opened the car's door , they both went inside ignoring Mingyu who's trying his best to stop them .


The whole car ride was silent. They both didn't talk to eachother , taehyung kept crying silently the whole time. When they reached at Kim's they saw Jin was already waiting outside, waiting for them. As soon as the couple left , Mingyu called him and told him about the whole fighting thing.

Jungkook parked his car,and taehyung opened the car door and he almost run towards Jin. He hugged his eomma tightly. Jin kept rubbing taehyung's back to calm him down. It's the first time he is seeing the couple like this . The couple was always lovey dovey . But today is totally different.

" Tae baby you go inside Appa is waiting for you in the living room I'll talk with kook ok" Jin tried to pull away from the hug but taehyung kept refusing

" he's a meanie don't talk to him " he mumbled . Jin sighed and looked at Jungkook.

" kook please go inside ,joon is in the living room"

" Eomma jin I don't want to disrespect Appa or you , but I guess taehyung doesn't want to stay with me so it's best for him if I leave now "

Jin just nodded his head understanding. He knows jungkook needs some alone time, and he also knows that he's not angry because taehyung was having ice-cream , he can see the fears in jungkook's eyes. Fears of losing Taehyung.  All of them knows the reason behind Jungkook's this behaviour except taehyung.

Jin took taehyung inside and Jungkook walked inside his car , and started driving not knowing where he should go . He started driving aimlessly while he cried .

He stopped his car in a empty road and stared crying his heart out , at the same time it stared raining.

" I'm sorry baby , I'm so sorry my angel . I  don't wanna lose you " 


So sorry you guys had to wait for so long for updates . I know I'm a shitty author. So please forgive me :)

And all the people who always comments and give votes thank you so much ❤️

And I was thinking I really need some more army friends , so I was thinking to open a tweeter/ Instagram account which one should I open please let me know 💜 I can connect with my  readers , so that all of us can fangirling together.

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