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They took Loki back with them to the helicarrier. Tony joined them in the jet despite the fact he could fly on his own. The suit helmet off and his face exposed. Loki was sat in one of the seats in the back, cuffs around his wrists and his expression carefully blank. Basil stood with Steve and Tony behind Natasha's pilot chair, both soldiers watching the prisoner. "Has he said anything?" Fury asked on the radio.

"Not a word", Nat replied.

"Just get him here. We're low on time". With that command, the radio clicked off.

Steve glanced towards the bound alien. "I don't like it".

"What?" Tony asked. "Rock of ages giving up so easily?"

"I don't remember it being that easy. This guy packs a wallop".

"Still you're pretty spry for an older fellow", Tony commented. He glanced at Basil and Steve. "What's your thing, Pilates?"

"What's Pilates?" Basil asked.

"It's like callisthenics. You two might have missed a couple of things, doing time as a Capsicle".

Basil giggled at the frown on Steve's face. "Capsicle. I like it". He held out a hand. "Corporal Jahi Basilton Parrish Basil and Baz to my friends. I only met your father once and he barely glanced at me, so I take it that you look more like your mother".

Tony smiled slightly as he shook Basil's hand. "Tony Stark. Billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. You know, barely anybody mentions my mother. I think I'm going to like you".

"Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in", Steve stated, breaking the moment. Basil rolled his eyes at Tony and the man's lips twitched. Basil grinned. Tony Stark seemed like a privileged arsehole, which was okay because Basil was an arsehole too. (He wasn't sure about privileged as privileged in the 40s seems to be rather different from the standard of privileged now). Oh they were going to get along famously.

"There's a lot of things fury doesn't tell you".

Outside, thunder boomed and lightning crackled. The ship shook as grey clouds covered the sky. Basil turned and caught Loki peering up with wide eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Scared of lightning?"

Loki hummed. "I'm not overly fond of what follows". Outside, thunder boomed again and the ship gave another shudder. Something heavy hit the roof and the whole plane shook. Tony pulled on his helmet and the metal formed over his face. Steve and Basil grabbed for their own helmets and buckled them on.

"What are you doing?" Steve called as Tony hit the button for the ramp. It dropped down, exposing the black sky of storm clouds. A blonde man landed on the ramp and marched up. Long blonde hair and red cloak billowing around him as he entered the ship. He was wearing clothes similar to Loki's and carrying a large stone hammer in his hand. Tony moved forwards to stop him but one shove from this guy sent him sprawling back across the plane. They all watched as the blonde man hauled Loki out of his seat, snapping the straps, and pulled him by the neck into the storm. Their figures disappearing below.

"And now there's that guy", Tony voiced as he got up.

"Another Asguardian?" Nat called.

"Is he friendly?" Steve asked.

"Doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him, the tessract is lost".

"Stark", Steve called as iron man stomped towards the ramp. "We need a plan of attack".

"I have a plan. Attack". Then with a yellow burst of his jets, his suit disappeared into the storm.

"Well", Basil remarked as they watched the rain begin to fall. "It's hard to go wrong with that plan". Steve grunted as he grabbed a parachute and began buckling it on.

"I'd sit this one out cap", Nat called from the front.

"I don't see how I can".

"These guys come from legend. They're basically gods".

"There's only one god ma'am and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that". Basil handed Steve his shield and the man took it before throwing himself out of the plane.

Basil watched him fall with a sigh. "Are you going after him?" Nat asked.

"I bet Bucky made me promise this as part of some joke", he muttered. He stretched and sighed. "See you in a bit Natasha", he called.

"Do you want a chute?" She called.

"Don't need one", Basil shouted back as he stepped off the ramp.

He spun through the air with a wild whoop as lightning crackled around him. As he descended he saw the flashing lights of what he presumed to be Tony fighting the new blonde man. He couldn't see Steve but there on a cliff ledge, stood the recognisable form of Loki. Basil arched his body so that he would land next to the captive. He hit the ground and sunk straight in only to pop back up onto his feet a second later.

"Hi", he greeted as he stood next to the dark haired god. Loki glanced at him then went back to watching the fight in the forest below. He didn't seem to be making any escape attempts but Basil wasn't going to leave him alone. Down below lightning crackled and the iron man suit glowed.

"So who's the blonde guy?" Basil asked.

"The god of thunder, Thor", Loki replied with anger in his tone. "My brother".

Basil nodded. "Oh just like the myths then. How many of those myths are real if you don't mind me asking?"

Loki blinked at him. "What?"

"The myths. You're Norse gods. The vikings had myths of the asguardians. Did Odin really nail himself to the tree of life and give up his eye for knowledge?"

Loki appeared slightly confused. "I believe so. Yes".

Basil hummed. "And did you really give birth to an eight legged horse?"

Loki looked positively insulted. "I bed your pardon. I have no children".

"Really? What about the time you cut Sif's hair?"

"Oh yes, that's true. It was a joke".

"If you have no children then I can guess that you didn't seduce the horse of an ice giant".

"You listen here you puny mortal", Loki seethed. "These myths you talk about are completely incorrect. Whatever you mortals came up with while on drugs was nothing to do with me".

Basil nodded with a grin. "That's why I was asking you which ones are true or not. Some are weird but not as weird as the Greek ones. I actually liked your character in the myths. Shame you're such a villain in real life". Down below there was a clang and the two men watched as a shock wave flattered the trees. "That sounded like Steve's shield", Basil huffed. "I think it's all over now. Come on prisoner, get walking".

Loki smiled as Basil began marching him down the moutian. The look on his face made a sense of unease rise in Basil's chest.


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