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Basil landed with a roll, Steve at his side. The lower roof was larger than the landing pad they had just left. More people, more planes and more boxes. As soon as they were on their feet, the two super soldiers were running. "Basil!" Steve reached out a hand to him as guns started firing. The bullets pattering the boxes they ducked behind. Basil laughed wildly and grabbed the outstretched hand. Steve pulled a face as they turned intangible. Neither of them slowing down as they ran. Boxes, bullets, people going right through them as they powered on. Basil concentrating on not slipping through the ground as Steve pulled him along.

The booms of huge guns echoed and Basil turned his head up to see explosions begin to litter the sky. "Hey guys", Sam's voice echoed through their ear pieces. "I found those bad guys you were talking about".

"You okay?" Steve asked.

"I'm not dead yet".

"Good", Basil grinned. "You're doing your job".

"Basil", Steve called. "Get ready to jump". Then they were jumping. Bodies hitting the heilcarrier as it began to lift up ahead of them. Basil let out a whoop as they sailed through the air and went straight through the wall. Walls and floors blurred past as they kept on falling. Basil grinning widely the whole time.

"There!" Steve shouted. They stopped and hit a metal walkway hard. They rolled. Basil letting go of Steve's hand as he rolled off the edge. Just as he tipped, he grabbed the edge and hung there. Steve pulled himself to his feet and reached out a hand. He pulled Basil up and they jogged to the metal structure in the middle. It was where the programming was stored. Suspended in with a dome of glass underneath. Only accessible via walkways. But whoever had designed it, hadn't met Basil and Steve.

Steve jogged over and pressed the buttons on the small control panel. Basil watching his back for any hydra agents as the tray of computer chips lowered. There was a beep as Steve pulled one out and a second beep as he replaced it with one of the cards in his belt. One down, two more to go. "One down", Steve turned with a exhale. "Let's just hope that Sam gets his done".

"Copy", Hill responded on their mics. Basil rolled his shoulders and held out his hand.

"Let's go". Steve took it and they took off running. They had passed through several walls and were almost out onto the launch pad before Hill's voice sounded in their ears.

"Two down. Good job Falcon".

"Copy that", Sam responded.

They kept moving as more hydra agents appeared and began shooting. Basil flipped them all the middle finger as the bullets passed right through them. "Charlie carrier is 45 degrees off the port bow", Hill notified. There was the sound of two gunshots down the mic. "Six minutes".

"Hey Sam!" Steve called. "We're going to need a ride".

"Can you take two?" Basil added. "I don't weight much".

"Like I have a choice", Sam muttered back. "Let me know when you're ready!" The edge of the helicarrier was only a few feet away. Something exploded as Basil and Steve threw themselves off the edge.

"I just did". Then they were plunging through open air. The city small beneath them as they fell. Basil tightened his grip on Steve's hand. If he let go then they would both be screwed. Even so, he let out a crazy screaming laugh as they dropped. The air whipping against his face and stealing the cackles from his lips. He could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins. The mad terror of falling yet the knowledge that he would survive it. Still, it didn't lessen the thrill in his gut as they spun through the air.

Basil looked up as they spun head over heels. Sam was dropping after them. He caught Steve by the arm with a jolt. The jolt caused Basil to loose his grip. For a second he let go and was still falling but his hands caught Steve's foot. "You okay?" Steve called as Sam's jets slowed them down. Their fall slowed to a stop and for a second they were hovering in midair. Basil cried out excitedly, which Steve took to mean that he was alright.

With a grunt of effort, Sam began pulling them back up. Basil laughed as they began gaining speed in the opposite direction. The city rapidly growing smaller again. "Fuck yeah!" He cheered as they shot back up to the sky. "Whoohooo!"

Basil let go as they drifted down onto the third helicarrier. He dropped to the landing deck. Steve landing at his side as Sam's wings folded up. "You know you're both a lot heavier than you look", He grumbled.

"I had a big breakfast", Steve huffed. The three of them walking across the pad.

"How come you ate breakfast?" Basil complained. "I don't get anything".  He looked around, noting the lack of hydra agents. His brow furrowed with suspicion. Before that could be fully realised however, a long haired figure burst out from behind a loading crate. He shoved Steve back over the railing before he could react. Then he was on Basil. Grabbing him, and when his hands didn't go through him, picking him up and throwing him. Basil cried out in shock. Glimpsing as familiar face as he flew back and over the edge after Steve. He dropped like a stone.

"Bloody fuck!" He gasped as his fall suddenly stopped with a jarring suddenness. He looked up. Steve was hanging off the corners of one of the jet engines. He had miraculously caught a hand hold. His other arm had managed to snatch on to Basil's wrist as he fell past. The two of them swinging there in the open air as the helicarrier continued to rise. "Ouch", Basil complained. His whole arm was sore. The hold almost having ripped his shoulder from his socket. He winced.

"Can you climb up?" Steve asked breathlessly. Basil nodded and grabbed on to Steve's belt. He used the belt as foothold as he half climbed, was half pulled up. Using Steve's body as a ledge to push himself up on to the engine. When he had gotten his body onto solid metal, he reached back and grabbed the straps on Steve's shoulders as he pulled himself up.

"Steve! Basil!" Sam's voice called through the earpieces. "Come in, are you okay?"

"Yeah!" Basil huffed back. "We're still on the helicarrier".

"Where are you?" Steve asked.

"I'm grounded. The suit's down. Sorry".

Steve sighed, trying to regain his breath. He held out a hand and pulled Basil to his feet. "Don't worry", he called. "We've got it". He gave Basil a glance over. "You okay?"

"Yeah", Basil panted. He rolled his shoulders and arms with a wince. His head was sore from switching not only himself but Steve too, through solid and intangible states. He hadn't used his power on another person this much before and he could feel it draining on him. He rubbed his temples. "Yeah. I'm fine. Come on". He held out his hand again and Steve took it. The two of them jogging towards the metal wall and passing through.

Up above on the landing deck, a long haired figure watched as they disappeared. Then he turned and headed towards the doors. He had his mission to complete.


An: Almost the other show down guys! This is going to be oof.

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