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Basil hit the metal floor with a groan. Half of him was wishing he had phased through everything, but the logical half told him that if he had done that, he would currently be falling through open sky. He coughed and shakily tried to get on to his feet. The fall had knocked the air out of him. "Basil?" Natasha's voice. She made a grunt of pain and he looked up. She was lying a few feet away. Her ankle trapped under a metal beam. He rolled and staggered towards her. "We're okay", she said, pressing one hand to her ear. Probably taking down a comm.

Basil came to a nervous stop at her side. Bruce was lying on the ground, breathing heavily. His hands were clutching into fists as he visibly fought for control. "We're okay right?" Natasha murmured.

"Let's get your ankle out", Basil said. "Before we do anything else". He lifted up the metal beam and Nat groaned as she pulled her ankle out. Basil let the beam clatter down and knelt down the check it. He pressed his fingers gently over the reddened skin. Nat hissed. "It looks like it's badly bruised. Maybe a sprain. Definitely not broken though".

Bruce gave a grunting groan. "Doctor?" Natasha asked. "Bruce? You've got to fight it. This is just what Loki wants".

"Let's get you onto your feet", Basil murmured. He took her by her arms and she stood up, leaning on him for support while keeping an eye on Bruce.

A few men in uniforms came jogging towards them. "Are you hurt?" Bruce gave another guttural groan. Basil looked between the men and her and made a split second decision. Nat gasped as he scooped her up in his arms and ran over to the men.

"Take her. Her ankle is injured. Take her and move as far away as quickly as you can", he let her down and he passed her to the men.

"Wait", Nat called.

"I'll be fine", Basil smiled. "But you all need to go. And now". The men held Nat between them as they hurried away. Basil watched them go before turning back to Bruce. He wandered over and knelt down at his side. "Hey Bruce. You're not going to hurt me. You can't actually. Trust me, I tried to kill myself too. So listen to me when I say you can let go. I promise that you will not hurt anyone else. I will keep that from happening".

"You promise?" Bruce roared in a deep inhuman voice. Basil bit his tongue to keep from flinching. Despite his projected calm, fear was beginning to bubble in his stomach.

"I promise". Bruce gave a roar and was skittering back. He crashed into a wall, his fist leaving a dent in the metal. Basil watched with wide eyes as he began to change. His for, bursting out of his shirt as his skin turned green. Basil pulled his comm form his belt and put it into his ear. "Natasha, where are you?"

"I'm two floors above where we fell", her voice came echoing back. "I'm out of range".

"Good". Basil swallowed as Bruce went quiet. He turned and for a second the hulk's eyes were still human, then they changed. "Because you're going to give me directions so I can lead the giant green rage monster standing in front of me away from too much damage and fewer people". He took a step back and the hulk roared. A guttural sound of pure rage with nothing to pinpoint on but Basil. "Oh shit. Oh shit", he muttered as he began to run. The hulk snarled and chased after him. The green form crashing through the metal like it was nothing more than cobwebs.

"You need to get onto the floor above", Nat stated down his ear. "I have your tracker up on my screen. Get to the floor above".

"Okay". Basil began to run up a flight of stairs. The hulk let out a roar and he jumped. Turning solid again to grab at the handrail above and flip himself over as the green form below destroyed the stairs he had just been standing on. He landed on his feet and continued moving. "Where to next?" Behind him, something groaned as metal creaked inwards. The hulk climbing after him.

Basil yelped and instinctively ducked as he became intangible again. A giant green fist passing right through him like he was nothing but air. The hulk gave a roar of anger. His inability to harm his target only enraging him further. "Left!" Nat shouted down the com. Basil kept running. He ran straight through walls. Hands up defensively in front of his face as he passed through each layer of metal like it was nothing. Behind him, sparks and debris flew as the hulk followed. The green form crashing through the walls with brute strength and sheer force. ("Sarge. If I had told you back in France that someday in the far future I would be running through walls like a ghost with a giant green rage monster out for my blood behind me, would you have thought me mad? Well it's happening and I am ducking scared shirtless. Definitely do not recommend".)

"Basil, just hang on a little longer!" Nat called down the comms. "Thor is on his way. Just keep running".

Basil (didn't, he definitely did not) scream as a giant green hand, larger than his entire torso, passed straight through him. "I'm trying to run, avoid Mad Bruce and not fall out of the ship at the same freaking time! Ahhh!" He turned right through another wall. Behind him the hulk echoed his scream with another ferocious roar. Basil sped up. "Be very glad that I run super fast. Now where is the nearest place I can drop this guy off?"

"Turn left then run straight. You should reach the docking bay"-

Another crash behind him cut off her words. Basil sped up. He may have not gotten super soldier strength but he got the speed. The hulk lumbered after him. Body bursting through the walls with little effort. Basil jumped as another hand grabbed at him. Then he was going straight through the wall into a large loading Bay Area. The hulk roared and grunted as he broke through behind him. Basil tripped over his own feet and toppled. He turned solid so that he wouldn't fall through the ship and landed on his knees. The hulk loomed over him as he rolled over. Suddenly a blonde and red blur hit the green monster and knocked him flying. Thor stood up and gave Basil a glance. "May I be of assistance plant named man?"

Basil blinked. "The name is Basil Parrish".

Thor frowned. "Basil is a plant used for cooking on earth, is it not?"

Basil didn't reply. The hulk had gotten up and was glaring. He threw a giant fist at Thor, which the god caught with some effort. Basil winced as Thor struggled against the strength. "We are not your enemies Banner. Try to think". The hulk roared and threw Thor through a wall. Basil didn't think that Bruce was listening.

"We have a perimeter breach", a voice alerted through Basil's comms. "Hostiles are in shield gear. Call outs at every junction".

"Baz", Natasha voiced down. "We're being attacked. I'm going after Barton. We need eyes on loki".

Basil panted, watching as Thor and the hulk grappled. "Copy that", he huffed as he pushed himself up. "Thor has Banner occupied. I'll get Loki".


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