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He could hear fighting. Basil turned his head. Steve was locked in hand to hand combat with the Soldier. The gun having been knocked aside and another knife in the Soldier's hand. Steve's shield was knocked aside with a clang and Basil watched as the metal arm forced the knife into Steve's shoulder. The blonde cried out in pain but twisted the blade out of the Solider's grip and onto the floor. His knee landing a particularly hard blow to the Soldier's abdomen. Basil sighed as deep as he could with a bullet wound right through his chest. Steve was holding out better against the soldier than he had. Obviously there was a plus to super strength.

He rolled over with a groan. The whole helicarrier was shaking. Through the glass he could see the other two start to collapse midair. The computing systems of all three targeting each other. A groan echoed above them and Basil pushed himself to his hands and knees. He looked up just as one of the support beams began shaking. He managed to raise himself to his knees as it toppled down. The beam passed right through him but there was a scream and a cry of pain when it landed. He turned. The Soldier and Steve were no longer in sight. He used the metal beam to shove himself to his feet. Half using it for support as he shuffled to where they had been fighting. A trail of blood dripping across the glass behind him.

"Steve!" He called. "Steve!" There was a crack and he watched as one of the glass panes shattered and crumbled into sparkles as it fell through the air. "Steve!"

"I'm over here", Steve pushed himself to his feet. His arm was twisted and obviously broken in at lest one place. Just judging by the shape under his uniform, it was not good. He grunted in pain as he sat up and swung his shield onto his back. At lest three or four broken ribs as well. Basil looked around for the Soldier. He was a few feet away. The beam had pinned him to the glass. Crushing him under it's weight. Above them another explosion made the ship shudder. The whole structure listing to the side.

Basil staggered. Half falling for a moment as everything tilted. "We need to get out of here", he muttered. He looked over to the Soldier again. The man, Bucky, was desperately pushing at the beam pinning him. The beam was too heavy for him to lift alone, even with a metal arm. He glanced back at Steve. Outside, the two other helicarriers crashed into the lake. Theirs was the last one in the air and it didn't seem like it would stay there very long. It was slowly going down, one side hitting the shield building with a almighty crash.

Basil staggered towards the Soldier. Steve at his side. The blonde wrapped his good arm around Basil's waist, helping him move. The Soldier glared up at them as they approached. He thought they were going to kill him, you could see it in his eyes. The distrust. Then Steve was letting Basil go and slipping his hands under the beam. He heaved, grunting in pain as his broken arm crunched. The Soldier pushed too and the beam moved. He rolled out and the beam fell back with a clang. "You know us", Steve panted, sweat dripping from his brow.

"No I don't!" The Soldier charged at them. His right fist hitting Steve's face with a crack. The blonde fell back, knocking Basil back too. They hit the glass with a painful thud.

"Bucky", Steve pushed himself weakly to his feet. "You've known me your whole life". The Soldier swung out with his metal arm and Steve hit the glass. Basil made a whining moan. He couldn't watch this.

"Your name is James Buchanan Barnes". Steve slowly got back up. The punch had knocked his helmet askew and he pulled it off. The strap dangling broken.

"Shut up!" The Soldier screamed. He hit again and Basil heard a bone in Steve's face crack. He winced at the sound and slowly rolled over. He didn't have the strength to push himself to his feet again. The blood was covering his clothes. Everything hurt and his vision was dizzy. Still, he managed to somehow get his knees under him and he began crawling to where Steve was standing. It was only about four feet away but it took every bit of strength to move forwards.

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