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Basil and Steve stopped half way down the metal walkway. In front of them, standing between them and the computer system, was a black clothed figure. The silver of his metal arm glinted in the midday sun and his long dark hair hung around his face. Knives and a gun hung from his belt. Whole body waiting for them to approach. He was in another of his leather combat suits but without the mask this time. The familiar face visible. Pale skin and icy cold eyes. The eyes just staring at them without recognition or emotion. As cold as the artic. Basil wondered how he got there so fast, considering they had run through walls. Either way, the Soldier was between the computing systems and them. And none of them were going to give up without a fight.

Basil took a step around Steve so that the Solider could see him clearly. He put his hands on his hips and sighed. Tiredness and defeat in his tone. He was exhausted of this. All the control and hate. The way life just kept breaking him. "Hi Bucky", he smiled slightly. "I've got to say Sarge, even seventy years later you look like a doll". The comment was bitter on his tongue. Bucky was a doll. A doll for hydra to play with. It was a awful, awful joke and he winced slightly. "Still Sarge. Damn", he exhaled breathlessly and placed a hand over his heart. "You break my heart. I missed you. You know I still love you, right?" The Solider didn't reply. His gaze hadn't even twitched. Basil smiled sadly.

"People are going to die Buck", Steve stated calmly. "I can't let that happen". The Solider was silent. Steve took a shuddering breath. He rested a hand on Basil's shoulder. "Are you sure?" He asked gently. Basil hadn't taken his gaze off Bucky. The two of them locked in a staring match.

"I'm sure. Please Steve. I need to be the one to do this".

Steve sighed deeply and painfully. "You don't have to do this you know".

"I know". Basil laughed, a terrified and mournful cackle. "Do you still have your tattoo?" He called over. This got a reaction. Bucky's brow furrowed slightly and his right arm twitched. Basil grinned widely despite the pain in his chest. The Solider tilted his head down. They weren't going to get an answer from him. Basil sighed and nodded.

Steve threw his shield. It passed right through Basil, rebounding off the Soldier's metal arm and back into Steve's hands. But by that point Basil and Steve were running. Basil reaching behind him to grab Steve's hand. The soldier drew his guns and raised them to fire, only for Steve and Basil to pass right through him. As soon as they were behind him, Basil let Steve go and turned. The Soldier was already moving. Guns firing at Steve. The bullets bounced off his shield and the Soldier tired to fire again but Basil was there. Two knives drawn from his belt, one in each hand. They raced through the air. The Solider leaning back out of the way of their blades as Basil slashed round. The solider tried to bring up his guns again but Basil ducked in low and twisted them out of his hands. The weapons clattered to the metal grate. Basil's feet kicking them off the drop and to the glass below.

There was a beep behind them as Steve took out a card. "How's it going Stevie?" Basil called. The soldier had snatched up his own knife and was swiping at him. Basil ducked and lunged, only for the blade to shatter as it hit the metal arm. He cursed loudly and snatched another from his waist. A kick caught him in the chest and he stumbled back with a groan.

"Almost got it!" Steve called back.

"Hurry up!" Basil snapped. Before he could recover from the kick, the soldier was marching past him. He grabbed him with the metal arm and threw him over his shoulder. Basil went flying over the edge, grabbing hold to the handrails before he could fall. He inwardly cursed super strength as he pulled himself up. On the metal walkway, the soldier was attacking Steve. The blonde defending with his shield as the knife slashed. Basil huffed and pulled himself back onto the walkway with a groan. He straightened and slid another knife from his belt. The ones he had been holding having fallen out of his hands when he had been thrown.

"Hey Honey!" He called. Both Steve and the Soldier glanced at him. That was all he needed. That second for him to throw the knife. It sailed through the air, spinning over and over. The soldier turned, metal palm outstretched to block it. It bounced off but the distraction was what Steve needed. He tackled him and the soldier tipped backwards off the ledge. He landed heavily on the glass below with a thud. "I'll get him!" Basil called.

"Shit!" Steve cussed. "I dropped the card".

"Really Steve?" Basil scowled as he phased through the metal walkway. He landed in a crouch on the glass. Immediately scanning for the little green computer card. It was lying on one of the metal structures creating the dome. He sprinted towards it but he Soldier tackled him. They hit the glass hard. The impact making Basil's head spin. The Soldier raised his metal arm, the knife hanging over his chest. Basil reached out his arms, twisting as the blade came down. He didn't have the strength to stop it but he could change where it landed. He turned intangible and the blade hit the glass with a screeching noise. He rolled over out of the Solider's hold and onto his feet. Running for the card.

He snatched it up and turned as footsteps sounded behind him only to cry out with pain as the knife sunk into his chest. He felt the blade hit his collar bone and draw back. The metal arm pulling back for more. "Steve! Catch!" He turned and threw the card. It sailed up, spinning towards the metal walkway. Steve jumped and caught it. He threw something else down in return. Basil ducked under another swing of the blade and caught the shield. He turned and the metal arm cracked against the metal. He blinked over the rim. The soldier's eyes were cold and frustrated. Basil felt fear well up in his stomach. He laughed wildly. Pain and fear in his voice. It echoed round the room as Basil felt his logic disappear. He was hurt, he was angry and he was fighting for his life.

"All is fair in love and war, isn't it Bucky?" He giggled the metal arm collided with the shield. The sound rung out like a bell, the force almost sending him stumbling backwards from the strength. He pressed both arms against it as the soldier advanced. Punched and kicks all hitting the metal. Basil being shoved back with each impact. Then the soldier growled in frustration, hair flying as he grabbed the sides of the shield and forced it down. Basil gasped as his legs gave way and he was forced onto one knee. The shield held between them like a wall as the soldier loomed above him. He giggled again as he stared into those furious icy eyes. Pain and adrenaline were making him giddy. Above him was a beep as the card slid into place.

"Okay Cap, Medic, get out of there", Hill's voice echoed down their coms.

"Basil!" Steve was jumping down on to the glass and running for him. He grabbed the soldier by the arm and threw him off. "Are you okay?" He asked as he pulled Basil to his feet. Basil's head spun for a moment as he struggled to place his feet under him.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks for the shield". He went to hand it back then looked up. The Soldier had landed several feet away. Under one of the metal walkways. He got to his feet. Arm rising. Basil saw the gun before Steve did. "Steve!" Then he was pushing him out of the way. The gun fired and the bullet hit with a sickening sound. Basil blinked, gasping as he looked down. Blood was flowing out across his abdomen. He knew it before he saw it. The stickiness rapidly covering his back. Entry and exit wound. Right through his liver. He coughed and fell back. Steve catching him.

"Good shot Sarge", he chuckled. There was blood in his lungs and it wet his lips as he spoke. The bullet must have caught one. Damn. "You were always the best shot".

"Basil. Damnit. Basil keep your eyes on me", Steve muttered as he tried to cover the wound. Across the glass, the Soldier was advancing. Another shot ring out and pinged off Steve's shield as he covered them.

"Stop him Steve", Basil grabbed at his arm. Green eyes wide and desperate. "Please". Then he raised a shaky arm to his comm. "fire".

"But Basil!" Hill voiced.

"Do it", Steve pressed on his comm. "Do it now!" Then the helicarrier's began shooting at each other. The structure shook as Steve got to his feet and charged at the soldier. Basil let his head fall back for a second. Exhaustion beginning to pull at him. Above him, explosions rained.


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