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They ended up on a small independent but bustling cafe with two bacon sandwiches and large mugs of coffee. Around them morning commuters bustled in and out for their takeaway coffees and breakfasts. Only a few people were sat down. They were both halfway through the meal when Sam spoke up. "So what's this for?" He gestured to the meal.

"It's a pity meal", Basil grinned. "Doctor's orders".

Sam rolled his eyes but chuckled. "No really, I don't think you treat every guy you have just met with a meal".

"You're right, I don't", Basil nodded and took a bite of his sandwich. He chewed for a minute before continuing. "But not every guy Steve and I meet jokes with us. It's all stuttering hero worship and asks for autographs". He shrugged. "Gets old after a while". He looked Sam over again. "Also, who did you lose? One man to another".

"Oh so you picked up on that", Sam smiled slightly. "My partner, Riley. Just shot out of the sky and there was nothing I could do about it". Basil nodded and a few moments of silence passed between them.

"You probably know my story", Basil said, braking the silence. "The whole world seems to now. It's weird because Bucky and I stressed so much about keeping it a secret. What touches we could do in public, how to look at each other when the cameras were on and what we could or couldn't do. Now everyone knows about us. I just wish we were allowed to be public before". He sighed and took a drink of his coffee. Cream and sugary.

"Were you there?" Sam asked, tone understanding.

Basil shook his head. "No. There wasn't enough time to board the train and I had to stay behind. Steve broke the news. But I knew as soon as he came back without Bucky. I wish I was there sometimes, other times I'm grateful I wasn't".

Sam sighed and nodded. "It's tough. You never really get over it".

"Yeah". They finished their sandwiches in silence. The chatter of the cafe around them filling the air as they watched the morning computers out of the window.

"I hold a meeting on Thursday mornings for those who lost partners in war", Sam said as they mulled over their coffee. "Veterans and those who stayed home. You'd be welcome to turn up at any time. We don't judge there".

Basil hummed. "Maybe. I can't imagine that you get many World War Two veterans there".

"No", Sam chuckled. "You'd be the first". A pause. "So", Sam spoke up again. "Steve and you?"

"Ewww", Basil laughed. "Na. He was one of the only people to know about me and Bucky back then. He was Bucky's best mate and after he died, well". He took a breath. "I wanted to die with him. I couldn't live as a gay man in the forties and after Bucky, I didn't have much to live for. Steve was like Bucky's brother and I wanted to keep him safe for him. Then we got on that plane and realised that we wouldn't make it out". He shrugged. "We were going to die together. Then we woke up together and fought aliens. Now Steve's my best friend. I'd be the first to admit that were slightly codependent".

"No one else has been through what you two have", Sam stated. "If you two weren't slightly codependent after that, I would be worried".

Basil chuckled. "True. But yeah. Steve is my best friend. We are very different people but we both made a promise to a dead man to look after each other and ninety three years later we're still holding it".

Sam nodded. "So what do you do when he's off being all captain America?"

"I'm a medic for shield. But only for a few days a week. I mostly deal with Steve's injuries and higher up stuff. They have a whole team of people so I only go in every other day. I'm only called in for combat when it's avengers team stuff".

"Sounds cool", Sam nodded. He checked the time on his phone. "I have a meeting at the va in an hour and I still need to get home. Nice talking to you Basil".

"Nice talking to you too Sam", Basil smiled and they shook hands.

"Think about what I said about Thursdays. It might help".

"I'll think about it", he promised as Sam stood up.

"Catch you later", Sam patted him on the shoulder as he left the cafe. Basil stayed for a bit longer until his coffee was finished. Then he ordered another in a to go cup and caught a taxi back to his apartment.


Enthusiastic meowing greeted him when he unlocked the door. He laughed as he entered his hall, the door swinging shut behind him as a enthusiastic fur ball wound between his legs. "Alright alright", he grinned as he reached down to pick up the small furry creature. Immediately it latched itself to his shoulder and began rumbling loudly with purrs, his arm cupping it like it was a baby.

It was Clint who had suggested a cat. Basil had made a offhand comment about how empty and cold his new dc apartment was. The archer had suggested that maybe he should get a pet to fill the space but Basil pointed out that he wouldn't have enough time to look after it with the unpredictability of their missions. Clint had shrugged then during one mission in Japan they had found a bunch of strays. Clint had picked up a tiny grey kitten with matter fur and handed it over. The small thing had purred at Basil and he couldn't leave it after that.

Her life on the streets had made her ill and when Basil had taken her to a vet, she had been pronounced malnourished and parts of her ears had been surgically removed due to infected wounds. Now she was a full grown needy thing with a tendency to try and smother him in the night. Tony had been the one to name her. The kitten had stolen his seat on the jet on the way back to America and perched as royal as a queen, green eyes daring anyone to remove her. "Thinks she's queen that one", Tony had remarked. "Queen fluffy ball of claws". The name had stuck but Basil shortened it to Queenie after Phillip had made him watch the tv show Black Adder.

Queenie nuzzled her head into his cheek as she purred. Basil smiled. "Is your food bowl empty?" He asked. "Is that why you're so needy?" He walked across the apartment to the small kitchen. The apartment was quite frankly too big for one person. With two bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. It was furnished in the bland grey and pale blue colour scheme the shield agents had decided on when they moved him. The only real personal touch was the futon folded up under to coffee table and the cat fur on every soft surface.

Basil filled up her food bowl and placed her down so that she could dig in as he went into shower. He passed by the closed bedroom doors. He had beds in there, complete with duvets and sheets but he never slept in there. He only entered the main bedroom for clothes, proffering to sleep on the futon. If one looked round the living room, they would notice that the placement of the chairs and sofa made a small blind spot against the wall just big enough for the futon.

When he was finished in the shower he pulled on fresh clothes but comfortable clothes and settled himself in front of the tv. Queenie jumped up and immediately perched on his chest as he sprawled out on the couch. "What movie shall we watch today?" He asked her as he scratched her misshapen ears. She licked her nose and her purr rumbled in a way that reminded Basil of Steve's motorbike.

He eventually settled on the first of the Harry Potter series while he waited for Steve's mission to end.


Bit of Basil's domestic life and the beginning of his friendship with Sam.

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