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It was still dark outside with the hint of dawn on the horizon when Basil met Steve . The blonde was waiting for him at the start of the Arlington memorial bridge. The national monument looming in the distance. Steve looked up as the taxi pulled over and Basil got out. "You're late", he called as Basil wondered over. Both men dressed in sweatpants and running shoes. Steve had a slightly too small tshirt tugged over his muscles. Basil had a old shield tshirt which he had cut the sleeves off. He yawned as he wandered over and started stretching.

"Long night", he smirked. Steve gave him a mock frown.

"Another, what's the term? Hook up?" He asked. "I didn't hear you at all last night". Basil laughed. After their apartments in New York got trashed they had been moved down to Washington DC to be closer to shield headquarters. Basil still had the apartment over Steve's so that they could stay close.

"Yeah. The guy wasn't too bad last night", Basil thought aloud. He had picked up his latest conquest at a gay nightclub like usual. Tall men with pale skin and dark hair. The one last night hadn't been bad but definitely could have been better. Basil had left without names and as if he had never been there. He groaned as he stretched, still slightly sore.

"I don't want to know", Steve held out his hands in surrender. "Just as long as you're being safe then I don't care".

"Aww Cap", Basil cooed. "Your concern is touching".

Steve laughed slightly as he stretched out his legs. "Do you ever think about maybe dating? Moving on? I wouldn't fault you if you did. You know that you're my friend right? Not just because of Bucky". His tone was sincere and understanding.

Basil ran a hand through his curls with a sigh. "I didn't really date before Bucky. He changed everything for me and I'm not sure if I could do that again. I don't want someone to break me like that again. It's too much. Also", his voice turned joking. "I think the age gap is a bit much. I mean, ninety three with some twenty something year old? I'm pretty sure I'll be reported".

Steve laughed. "That's what I told Natasha but she seems fixed on getting me a date". He stopped stretching and gestured to the orange glow of the sun just peaking out and tinging the sky. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah. Race you", Basil called as he began running.

"Oh it's on!" Steve called back as he followed.

The first time they passed the other jogger it was just as they were coming round the carp pond by the World War Two memorial. Basil and Steve had already lapped the place once but had yet to slow down. "On your left", Steve muttered as he passed the man. Above them the sky p was turning pink as dawn began to rise.

"On your right", Basil said as he followed after Steve less than a second later. He sped up until him and Steve were neck and neck again. The jogger giving them weird looks as they passed.

The second time they passed the jogger was on their third lap. This time the man was outside the Lincoln memorial. "On your left", Basil said as he raced passed. This time he was in the lead.

"On your right", Steve added as he followed.

"Yeah yeah", the jogger muttered as the two super soldiers sped off. "Got it".

The third time they passed the jogger was in front of the war memorial again with the bright light of the morning sun lighting up the city. Steve and Basil were neck and neck this time. The jogger heard their footsteps coming and turned. "Don't say it. Don't you fucking say it".

"On your left", Basil and Steve said in synch as they ran passed. Both of them trying to shove the other off balance as they ran. Childish competitiveness warring with adult sensibility.

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