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Screams sounded as Basil walked through a wall

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Screams sounded as Basil walked through a wall. The people skittered back from him, their faces pale. He held out his hands and dropped his stance to look less threatening. "Hey, hey. I'm one of the good guys. I work with captain America", he reassured as he sheathed his knives, the blades sticky with purple alien blood. The people, there were about forty hiding in this bank space, didn't look anymore trusting of him. Basil sighed and unclipped his helmet. He pulled it off and tucked it under his arm. "The police are setting up a perimeter down to 39th", he announced in his army medic tone. "You need to get out and into the subway. The police will lead you away from the streets. Is there anyone here injured?" He looked around and the majority of people shook their heads.

"My daughter has injured her ankle!" A woman dressed in office wear called. Basil jogged over and knelt at the girl's side. She was in her early teens. Braids covered her head and her clothes were dust covered. Her ankle was visibly swelling.

"Hi", he smiled as he set down his helmet. "I'm just going to check your ankle", he pressed his fingers to it lightly and she hissed in pain. "It seems to be broken", he stated. "I'll carry her to the police boundary but then someone else is going to have to take her". He smiled at her reassuringly. "I'm going to pick you up okay. Then we're going to have to move". He scooped her up and stood, the girl crying out as the motion jolted her ankle.

"You're Basil Parrish", she whispered as he straightened. "I did a history report on you for school. You're a hero".

Basil gave her a grin. "I try. Can someone clip my helmet back on?" The mother scrambled to set his helmet back on his head and clip the strap. Basil nodded in thanks then began walking towards the door. He could see Steve down the street talking to the police officers. They were half a block away. "Steve", he muttered down the comm. "People coming your way".

"Copy that Parrish".

Basil turned to the people. "Run to those officers over there. Now!" They took off running. Basil gripped the girl in his arms tighter and ran. He was fast, faster than everybody else. The girl gasped as they passed through cars and debris as if they weren't there. In seconds they were reaching the police. He slowed to a stop. "She's broken her ankle", he stated as he handed her gently over to a young officer. "Take them down to the subway stations and out of fire".

The officer nodded. "Wait", he girl reached out and grabbed his harness as Basil turned. He looked back at her as her fingers fumbled. "Thank you", she grinned as she let go and the officer pulled her away. Her mother and the other people following them. Basil looked down and saw a small rainbow pin on his harness. He laughed and pulled out two of his long knives as he turned back to the fray. The pin was cute.


Half an hour and many dead aliens later, he found himself back on the bridge. Steve fighting at his side. Two army buddies fighting with the synchronicity of months training together. Aliens fell to Basil's blades and those who didn't were swiftly knocked down by Steve's shield. Further down the bridge were Clint and Natasha. The two assassins taking down as many as possible. Clint's arrows taking down five or six of them at a time and Nat's guns firing with deadly precision.

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