Sweet Illusions

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My Heart is drowning 

With melting images of us

I sometimes still see you lounging there at night

Singing in that house on the moon

I can still taste 

All the sweet illusions you finger-fed me

I fell drunk in love 

With all the possibilities of us

Your affection blended so perfectly with my dreams

You must know

I can still feel the love in the sketches left of us

Those beautiful words of yours

Still floating around are deafening me into a mirage

You must know

You made me feel 

As if I were a stone in your shoes

You took us back to the moon 

We wondered about  all of its dark sides

The moon stroke its light brightly at us

Its blinding rays gave me sight

And my eyes were dead open at once

Now my heart is tearing up your love songs

Dedicated to L.V. an island goddess! Thank you for sharing!

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