Impossibly invisible,
A rose quartz-colored heart,
Silently ever so evasive!
How many ways should I celebrate you?
I have meant to capture it a thousand times.
Your love grows cloudy with every beat,
Surrounding itself with smoked quartz.
Should I abandon my intentions all together?
If I open my hands and let it go,
Would it come back to me?
Would it grow deeper than a river?
The sound of you lull me to sleep.
Just like a full moon rising on the reflections of my heart,
With the stars all wrapped up around my soul,
How many heartbeats would it take for me to reach you?
PoeziePoetical Stories. Poetical Sketches... Stories. Insight. Casual. Bliss. Feels. Moods. Vibes. Weekend Inspirations... In one word: Poetry