Chapter 28

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Author's note : Sorry I'm going to make this quick so I can get to the good stuff but first I wanted to say people have being saying they cannot read chapters 22 and 26 It says that those are private to me and people who are fans of me , so try to become a fan of me and then see if they are there! If not send me a message seperately so I can see what I can to do, as of right  now there is no way for them not to be restricted because of the mature content in them! Also thank you so much for sticking around lately! I was so busy and time completely got away from  me and I owe you guys so much ! I love you so much! Thank you !  I cannot express how much I love you guys for reading this ! Thank you !

Harry's P.O.V:  I couldn't tell what time it was when I awoke , there was a bit of light seeping in from the bathroom, I guessed that light was on all night. I moaned softly my throat burning with thirst and soreness. I rubbed my eyes a few times, Louis had a depth grip around my waist and wouldn't budge even when I sat straight up. My swollen lips and sore body parts reminded me that not only did we advance to round 2 but round 3 and then round 4 with round 5 being short lived because neither of us could last. I last remembered falling into a tangle of eachothers arms and legs on the bed, our naked bodies being enough of a blanket to each of us . I remember joking around a little bit because everything was so much more funny in the dead of the night when the effects of exhaust are much like those of being a bit buzzed. I carefully opened his grip around my waist and let his arms fall back down onto the bed . His steady but heavy breathing told me he was still asleep and he looked like a peaceful baby angel. I bent down to press my almost numb lips down to his slightly sweaty forehead , it must not have been long ago that we had fallen asleep. I strechted out my limbs and yawned I pulled the top cover of the bed over his nude body and smiled as he subconsciously pulled it further onto him. "Harrryyy". He moaned. "Hazz......zzaa". He breathed not long after . I cocked my head forward but realized he was just sleep talking , it warmed my cheeks to know I was the one he was thinking of in his sleep. I was soon able to lift myself out of bed, feeling how sore I actually was. I carefully crept into the bathroom with the intentions of turning the light off, but I stopped in the mirror and looked down at the sink. I turned the faucet and let the cold water splash out, I put my hands under so I was able to spray it  on my face . I shook my head to the side and grabbed the towel next to me to then dry my face completely. 

       I stood there thinking of the past few nights and thinking that the only one I wanted to be with or near was Louis, I wanted him to be happy. I wanted to be with him.  I smirked looking at his beautiful naked body laying on the bed, he had somehow decided to toss of the majority of the covers I had covered him in earlier. His body was almost as exposed as mine , the body that I loved every inch of. It was not suprisingly covered in love bites some newer and redder than others. I wanted to  be able to pleasure him in every way possible , to bring him to new highs that he didn't even imagine being there. I guess I never understood what being in love was before this. 

    I walked back over to where Louis was and cuddled my body up next to his spooning him , I played big spoon and he was my little spoon. This was what love was.

 As I was laying there I thought back to the one day when we did a show in the UK last year, I was taking a nap before that night, and as I was falling asleep I was thinking of Louis. I remember wondering what it would be like to kiss him, not only that but to have sex with him. I tried to vividly imagine me, taking his long penis in my mouth, and him - thrusting in and out......and moaning and..... him ...pulling on my curly hair............I soon snapped out of it, I couldn't try to imagine it now or I would lose it ------ and I didn't want to wake him. 

     I took a deep breath and pulled him closer to me , I thought back to the show that night and my heart racing whenever he smiled at me. I even remember me telling myself how stupid I was being and how I wasn't supposed to be thinking that about my best friend. That night we went out after, my plans were to relieve my afternoon thoughts with finding a girl to hook up with that night, but soon I found myself not wanting to find a girl, my thoughts were full of Louis. So that night I went back home alone, and thought of Louis again when I was trying to fall asleep . I remember getting up out of bed to calm my nerves with some beer. When I was close to drunk I thought of calling Louis. I then remember waking up in the  morning glad that I didn't do anything stupid. 

That was the biggest moment of questioning my sexuality that I could remember. 

      I placed a kiss on Louis's back moaning into it a bit so I could feel his body vibrate. 

I loved him , I loved him with all my being.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2013 ⏰

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