Chapter 18

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Hey guys! I'm back and better than ever ! Haha enjoy this next chapter I love you guys soo much thank you for reading my story ! Hahaha go on ... read..... :) Talk to you soon babes! And By the way this chapter is a little bit of a transition to a few more big ones coming up that I know you're going to love, so although this one is not that great it was needed for the ones that are coming up. :))))) ENJOY!

*Harry's P.O.V*

I looked over at Louis who was still blushing a little after I had kissed him on the cheek. Or maybe the color on his cheeks was from Niall's question. I turned my head back to Niall who's eyes were frantically searching for answers still. It soon dawned on me that Liam and Zayn were the only ones who were told about Louis and I's ...well ..relationship.... and they hadn't told a soul, suprisingly. I tried to catch eyes with Liam but he turned his head to the window faster than I could reel him in. He looked rather sheepish as did Zayn who caught on and turned away to focus at the window too. I took a deep breath and turned my attention back to Niall who had a somewhat.... angry and confused look on his face. I took Louis hand in mine and massaged it softly. Niall's eyes moved away and he took another choppy breath.

"Niall...." I started. He looked back at me expecting me to say more but to be honest I didn't have much else to say. I hadn't thought that far.

"Ni...... Harry and I .... well.... when two people love eachother.....they have to well date and thats what.... Harry and I........ kind of ........ like...ummm .... soo".... Louis figdeted while saying. He never really finished a thought completely leaving the wide , blue, eyed boy looking rather clueless. I looked at Niall again swallowing long and hard trying to think of something else to say. My mind went blank and I turned my head to look out the window as well , at the trees and surrondings rushing by my window. I didn't here anything else but I felt Louis's clammy hands in mine so I looked back at the blonde irishman who was still quite confused.

"Niall, Lou and I are dating as a romantic couple.... in other words ..ummm I love him". I whispered the last part Niall leaned in closely to make sure he could hear it all , even though it was unecessary. I swallowed

again and turned my head back to the window not wanting to see Niall's final reaction. I didn't put down Louis's hand .

I was greeted with the surrondings that used to be speeding by slowing down, what was up with this New York City traffic? It was insane! The limo soon came to a complete stop. Ok this traffic jam was horrible.

"O.k everybody out let's go". I heard Liam say as he hoisted himself up and the driver opened the door to the left of him. I watched as his body made it's way out of the door followed by Zayn's and then Niall. Louis dropped my hand for a second and followed the parade of boys. He turned towards me when his feet touched the ground and opened his mouth.

"You coming "? " We're here". He smiled . So that's why we were stopping I hoisted myself out of the seat and followed the boys and security already being mobbed by fans , I took a deep breath trying to catch up to Niall to see if he was ok. Why would he not be though? I was a little worried seeing as he was speed walking faster than the rest of us causing a member of security to run in order to catch up to him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him start to run as well, towards the building of the interview, security yelled . Paul started to run to. It was like dominos in a way ; Paul started to run then the rest of security and then us- just to see what was going on and then the fans who got louder by the second. It was completely overwhelming. I

wanted to cry out for help, I knew that to door to the building couldn't be that far away. All I wanted really was to be in Louis's arms again. I couldn't even see that beautiful boy Louis, where was he? The crowd was closing in on me. Finally security was back and they yelled at the crowd too move away creating a small path for me to get through and into the building. Silently I followed as someone led me into a dressing room I took a deep breath and watched them shut the door behind them.

"Are you O.k"? Zayn looked up from his phone sprawled out on one of the coaches, making him self at

home already.

"Ya I'm fine". My breaths were returning to normal again , I scanned the room for everybody else. Liam was sitting at the coach as well looking through a magazine or catalog of some sort and Louis was looking in a closet that was labeled. I couldn't see exactly what the sign on the door said, as the door was pushed open. I walked over to him placing a lingering kiss on him lips letting hiim moan out a little. He wrapped his arms

around my waist in order to bring me closer to him.

"For God's sake , get a room"! Zayn laughed.

I pulled away for Louis to smile. I looked into his gorgeous eyes as they stared back into mine . I could see my reflection in them almost very clearly. I had been aching for that kiss for too long. His lips still were dewy and pleading to be taken back into mine. My tongue begged to be back in the mouth that it really belonged in which was not mine- but his - his beautiful , amazing, wonderous mouth. I finally moved away from his

body . I scanned the room once more noticing that a certian blonde haired, blue eyed irishman was missing.

"Where's Niall"? I asked finally .

"In the bathroom down the hall". Liam said barely even making the effort to look up from what he was reading.

"Is he O.k"? I asked wondering what he thought now that he knew about me and Louis, was that why he had run off? What was with all the mayhem coming in here about?

"He had to take a wee......" Louis looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

I decided to relax and take a seat next to Zayn on the coach he was taking up. I pushed his legs over a bit he gave me an annoyed , but loving look - one that a brother would give.

"Zayn what was your first thoughts when you found out about me and Louis"? I asked curious.

"Ummmm ...... no surprise". He smirked.

"Seriously"! I grabbed a pillow and knocked it into him softly.

"Well I sort of thought that it would happen all along , you know in the back of my mind. " He smiled again.

"Zaynnn..." I groaned. I looked towards Liam. He looked up from his magazine finally and spoke.

" Well at first I was wondering how can you guys be gay ? You've both had a fair share of girlfriends in the past, then I was scared on how it would change us as a band." Liam said softly . "Lastly I wondered what the fans would think, the ones that love you guys so much, and the people out there that aren't accepting to gay people. He looked down at his feet. Soon he continued on. " Then I realized that when two people are in love , none of that stuff matters at all. Nothing, not age, race, looks, sexual orientation , distance , nothing. When two people are truly in love they are in love and they should be together."

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