Chapter 5

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 It was dark when we finally got on the plane. The windows in the airport waiting area showed the sky a dark, navy blue. The stars shining brightly. I dragged my carry on, the only thing left containing my stuff (my suitcase had been checked in). I looked over at Louis as he got on the plane too. We have been on endless planes in our lifetime as One Direction but I had butterflies in my stomach maybe because I had just snogged Louis and realized that it is all I ever want to do again. Silently I got in my seat next to Louis (score!) and Niall. Liam and Zayn sat across from us. I settled in my first class chair ready to fall asleep I pulled the blanket I was given over me. I was ready for New York. Under the blanket I felt Louis's hand take mine. He intertwined his fingers in mine and caressed my hand, stroking his thumb up and down my hand. I felt my heart face. I closed my eyes not letting go of his hand. He leaned over and I felt his soft , beautiful lips brush my cheek. My lips turned up into a smile. Did anyone see that? If anybody did they didn't find it out of the ordinary. I felt myself warm up from the inside out. Why was he so perfect? 

     *Louis's P.O.V*

I only heard whoever was telling us that our flight was ending turn the microphone off. I blinked getting myself accustomed to the light. I felt my hand somewhat numb still clenching Harry's he was asleep but he still was caressing my hand. It felt so good. I felt our sweat mixing between our hands. I looked over to the curly haired boy, he was beautiful soo sweet. I wanted to kiss him. It was so much effort not to . It hurt to not be able to lay my lips on his. He loosened up his death grip on my hand,although I wished he hadn't I wanted his hand to stay feeling as though it is part of mine forever. I still decided to drop his hand for a split second. I leaned over to brush a curl out of his eye. He then opened one eye blinking a few times and than sat up. He took my hand and quickly brought it up to his lips to kiss then set it back down. Hopefully whoever saw that didn't think much of it. "You look cute". He said quietly. I felt my heart race. 

 "You look sexy, curly". I joked, well half joked, he did look quite sexy. He smiled. Niall jumped up from next to him clearly having just woken up . 

 "Good Morning"! He said estatically. "I'm hungry ". He continued. The little Irish Leperchaun is always hungry. I laughed tearing my eyes away from Harry relcutantly.

"You're always hungry".


        I had only slept for ALL of the whole plane ride but was still extremely tired walking through the hotel lobby with the security. Even being the dead middle of the night peopl were still going crazy at us. I didn't mind it most of the time, but now I wasn't in the mood for the pretty girls all wanting me. I wanted Harry and just Harry. I tried to think of a time when girls made me feel this happy or loved. Had i ever been this in love with a girl? No, never. Finally we got up to our floor which people were not allowed on. The hotel was very nice. So nice. I was loopy tired.  The security had the outskirted rooms of the floor, and then Paul , stylists and so on as well. We got a little bit of privacy with our own rooms a little ways away from them.  We usually decided who was rooming with who when we got to the hotels. We all loved eachother so it didn't really matter to us very much.  When we got to the doors to decided Harry jumped to action.

    "Louis and I, will room together "! He said grabbing his key to get into our room. He winked at me. I couldn't believe it, I lived with him but my heart was jumping out of my chest for the fact that we got to room together. The rest of the boys debated who should room alone as we stepped inside. 

  "Boobear, are you tired"? Harry asked me as I fell onto one of the beds kicking my shoes off. 

"Yes babe, I am".  I smiled and winked. He put his stuff down over in the closet . Then he walked back over to me. He looked down at me on the bed. 

"Louis I have to tell you something". He prompted

"What"? I asked sitting up. 

"I think.... I may be gay.... or bi... or something". He started. I smiled my heart racing. "Becuase i really think that I really really am attracted to you". He said. It took everything for me not to kiss him right then

"Harry Styles, I think that I'm gay too because I really really am in love with you". I said, too soon? Probably. I looked down at my feet. 

Harry looked at me and smiled.

"Well where were we earlier"? He said leaning in to kiss me. I kissed back hard slamming my mouth againist his flighting my tongue inside his beautiful kissing. I bit his lower lip and nibbled causing him to moan. His moans were the sexiest things ever. He leaned into my neck kissing me and then finding me sweet spot giving me a nice hickey but making me call out in pleasure. I moved my hands to his back rubbing it up and down sticking my hands down the back of his shirt a little bit so that I could stroke his neck.  

 "Hazza, earlier you weren't wearing a shirt, so get it off". I demanded my heart racing. I yanked at it but he helped me throwing it on the ground. He pushed me down onto the bed and now was in full control. He kissed me slowly everywhere down my neck and then eagerlly up to my mouth again. Groans filled my throat and poured out , I felt myself get hard. He moaned when I bit his lip. This turned me on more and made me even harder if that's possible. He pulled at the hem of my shirt. 

 "Lou, off". He cooed smiling. Soon my shirt was on the floor. He decided to play the game I was playing on him earlier. He pinched one of my nipples. 

"Harry fuck, that feels ooooohh". I couldn't finish my sentence he brought his mouth down to suck on  my nipple. It was pure pleasure. He brought his mouth up to mine again to kiss me. He teased me when he brought his hands close to my hard , bulging dick. But then he pulled them away and kissed me again.  

"Haz mmmm". I managed to moan. We pulled ourselves closer together and kissed some more. When our mouths were swollen and somewhat numb we stopped. I looked into his eyes, I still wanted more. 

    Harry got up from the bed much to my sadness. I pulled down the covers to get under. I layed my head on the soft pillow. I heard footsteps after a few minutes I looked up staring into Harry's face. 

"Boo, I can't sleep without you, lemme in". He said as I moved over. He jumped in and hugged me in his arms. I almost died right there. He then planted one last kiss on my cheek and laced his fingers in mine. 

 I feel asleep with a smile on my face that night.


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