Chapter 12

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*Louis's P.O.V*

  I smirked at Harry's reaction to my  text. Then I set my plate down next to a very hungry looking Niall and sat in the empty chair that belonged to the table.

"What do we have planned for  today"? I asked nobody specifically although I starred longingly at Harry who had taken the empty seat across from me. He looked so beautiful, it made my heart speed up.

"Nothing really". Liam said sipping his cup full of orange juice.

" O c'mon you guys always have something planned". Harry spoke up from his pancakes.

"We have an interview scheduled for tomorrow and our first show here is the night after tomorrow night". Paul called out from a table nearby, eavesdropping on our conversation.

"Today is a day off". Zayn smiled wiping his mouth off and pushing his plate away from him. "I'll meet you guys out by the pool after I take a shower". He said standing up.

"I'm done as well". Liam said piling his plate on top of Zayn's. He also stood up. I tried to swallow my mouthful of food as fast as I could before he left the resturant as well.

"Wait, Liam"! I called out

"Yeah"? He turned for a second.

"O.K the pool"? I asked making sure thats where everyone was going to be.

"Yep". He smiled and headed out on his way following Zayn.

I looked back over at Harry and he smiled at me. Although the smile was innocent enough it turned me on like crazy . I sat there trying to put my focus back on my food, the interview tomorrow, Niall, really anything other than a very sexy looking Harry. I turned away to face Paul instead of Harry and wiped my clammy hands on my pants taking a deep breath.

"So the only interview we have so far is tomorrow"? I squeaked.

"So far". He answered dryly focusing on his own food.

"I'm going to take a shower as well". Harry's amazing, seductive voice sounded from his now empty plate as he stood up and pushed in his chair. I watched that beautiful thing leave and then poured my orange juice into my mouth to distract me from all the feelings that were going through my head.

"So I guess it's just me and you Nialler". I said laughing.


(Still Louis's P.O.V)

     I fiddled with my key to get into my hotel room, I was now full from breakfast and ready to pounce on Harry, he had me completely turned on without even trying. I opened up the door, there was no sound of the shower on to my surprise, but a scent that sort of smelled like vanilla overwhelmed me.  I also noticed the lights were somewhat dimmed. I swallowed hard and searched the room with my eyes for Harry. I  noticed a few candles were lit, probably contributing to the vanilla scent that the room was filled with.

 "Baby"? I called out for him.  I loved when we called eachother that, it made everything feel more real. The door to the bathroom creaked open and out came Harry, his curls a little damp and little beads of water traveling down his muscular body. A towel was wrapped loosely around the bottom half of his body hanging from his hips. A towel was the only barrier from him being completely naked, a stupid, damn towel. He gave me a seductive glare and I could feel my penis erupting in my pants.

 He walked towards me his hands reasuring his towel stayed on and then when he got to me he wrapped his arms around me, he kissed me up and down the neck and on the cheeks, on the nose and softly on the forehead. He stopped there and helped me take off my shirt slowly , it landed with a thump on the ground.  I put my hands up into his curls and wrapped them around my fingers moaning slightly as he explored my chest with his hands. I could see his evergrowing, but very prominint bulge through his towel.

"Babe". He whispered backing away from my grip and grabbing a bottle from behind him. "I bought some massage oil, and I was wondering since your massages are so amazing, if you could give me another using it"? He grinned presenting me with the bottle. Then he layed himself on his bed, I kept wishing that somehow his towel would just fall off . I pulled off the cap and poured some into my hands nervously. The oil smelled like vanilla too. I placed my hands on him and started to massage him slowly and firmly.

"Ummmm Lou, that feels so good". I gulped and layed myself out on top of him. I stopped massaging him staring into his beautiful green eyes. Then I kissed him on the lips my tongue begging for entrance into his mouth. Again and again his mouth refused. Frusrated I started to kiss his neck , leaving him lovebites along the way and sucking on his softspot until his moaned out in pleasure. I pinched his nipples again, he called out groaning. I kissed my way down to his V-line and all around to were his towel was. I could feel his hard dick pressing into my chest and I moaned I could feel mine as well feeling like it was going to explode.

"Harry, I love you". I said pulling away from his towel and moved back up to his face kissing him passionately. This time he let my tongue in and both tongues fought for domination.

"Louis Tomlinson, I love you so much". He whispered and then added. "I want you so bad". He then flipped me over so he could leave a trail of kissed down my body. He left me a few lovebites along the way and finally he got to my pants. He put his hands inside but didn't even brush up upon a very hard friend of mine as he took them off. I was laying there just in my boxers now I struggled to reach my hand out for his towel to somehow take it off.

"I need you right now". He whispered into my ears as my hands reached his towel. I tugged at it softly but thats all it needed. I took a deep breath and took in what was in front of me. There was no hipe for me now, I knew for sure I was gay. I knew for sure that I Louis Tomlinson was completely in love with Harry Styles.  I reached out for his hard, long, huge  penis and took it in my hands and started to stroke it. The reaction I got of complete moans and groans turned me on even more if that was possible. I took his tip in my hand and massaged it and then slipped my hands down and went faster with every moan that escaped his lips. He was very loud.

"Fuck , Lou I'm gonna cum". He finally groaned as I put it inside my mouth to swallow all of his juices. I was already done as he put my big , now naked dick into his mouth and sucked it dry.

"ohhhhhhhh". I grunted as he finished me off. Then he scooted his body on top of mine and laid there . He placed soft kisses all around my neck and moaned gently into my ear as we panted together. I wrapped my arms around his naked body and looked into his eyes.

"I love you". I said again.

"I love you too Louis". He answered placing a kiss on my lips . He nestled his head into my chest and we laid there together as I played with his curls.

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