Chapter 8

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Harry's P.O.V

       Sitting on the couch in the suite that Liam , Zayn and Niall were staying in , I caught myself staring at the door waiting and waiting for Louis to come barging in. I felt guilty tuning out all the stuff that the three boys were talking about, they were laughing so they seemed to be having fun. I felt someone pinch my leg. I looked up to see that It was Liam .

       "Something got you down"? He said turning his head away from the conversation. 

"No, nothing , just wondering what's taking Louis so long". My voice trailed off. 

"We just got here, he just got in the shower"! Niall laughed. It seemed like it had been forever already.

"So you guys ended up staying in the suite all togther"? I decided to change the subject. 

"Yeah, jealous"? Zayn joked flashing his teeth. I smiled at him, hearing Niall's laugh fill the room. 

"So anyways, how are we going to walk around Times Square without anybody mobbing us, even with security"? I continued to try to steer the conversation away from Louis, if it was going to be about Louis there was going to be no way to avoid my true feelings coming through. 

"Well we're just taking security and hoping for the best". Liam said. Patting my leg. I smiled at him leaning my back further against the couch. 

"Sounds like fun". I said then before I could stop myself I let out a groan and said, "Where is Louis"? 

Niall caught my eyes from his place on the couch and smiled, "I'm sure he's almost here. I couldn't wait any longer I pulled out my phone from my pocket. I decided to text Louis.

Heyy sex god, you almost here ??? ;) xx.

I smiled and put the phone back into my pocket , in a matter of seconds my heart jumped out of it's chest as my phone vibrated. 

Hello sexy baby, right outside xxx. ;)

I tried to contain the butterflies in my stomach as I shifted my weight towards the door in anticipation. I heard a knock at it and almost too eagerly I got up and ran to open it. Louis stood at the door in all his glory ..... gleaming in the beautiful way he gleams. With that adorable smile on his face, caring and sexy and beautiful. He moved up close to me and whispered in my ear, "I love you". It melted my heart. To soon he had walked towards the couch filled with boys and was away from me acting as though nothing has happened.  

"Let's go". Zayn said jumping up from the couch.

" But ,   I just got here". Louis whined. I laughed at him and caught his eyes. He winked. 

"O.k . let's  go". I gulped. 

We followed security out of the suite as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I looked at Louis who smirked back at me.

Louis - hey you look very sexy today, you're slowly seducing me with ur hot body...

I looked up at him but he had turned away and was now talking to Zayn.

Harry - slowly? Lemme speed it up... your hot, tonight I have a little sexy treat for you.... ;)

I saw him take out his phone and I could barely contain my excitment. I looked at Niall and opened my mouth to say something and distract me from Louis

Louis - Lame..... but that still turned me on..... ;) ohhh ...... ;) 

I lost my breath reading that, i didn't know why that turned me on I felt myself get hard. Shit. shit. shit.

Why? My phone vibrated once again.

Louis -Ohhh someone's happy ..... to see me.... want some help with that? I'd be glad to help.... ;)

I blushed reading the text.  Then answered.

Harry- u don't even know what I'm gonna do with you tonight........ xxxxxxxxxxxx

I looked as Louis picked up his phone and smiled. 

Louis- please describe it to me in very vivid detail haz

Harry- I wouldn't want to make you too excited in front of everybody boo  ;) xxxx Love you.

Louis- I love you too Hazza xxx .

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