Chapter 7

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Harry's P.OV

   When I set my plate on the table it made a loud clunking sound. I cringed at the sound of it. I looked at Louis  who ended up pulling up a chair next to me. His plate was piled high with food.  He looked so adorable and sexy. Every few seconds he would catch my eyes in his and then look away. I wanted to pick him up in my arms and kiss him right then and there. I looked around the table realizing only Louis and I had food on our plates.

 "So are you guys done eating,  already"? I asked , barely moving my eyes from Louis.

"Already, done eating, we've been down here for like an hour waiting for you guys". Zayn emphasised the already. 

"So, we overslept, big deal". Louis defended me. 

I smiled shoving a piece of toast up my mouth. 

"What are we doing today anyways" ? I said after swallowing my toast.

"We have a few days off because we had to make our flight earlier". Liam informed me. I smiled at Louis. This should be good, more free time , more sexy time. Then he continued. "We are going to go somewhere later today, maybe Times Square." I tried to tune the rest out . 

   Suddenly I felt something on my thigh dangerously close to a friend I didn't really want to get too excited again. I looked next to Louis who had a cheeky grin on his face , but then turned the other way like nothing was happening. Nobody could see what was happening under the table probably. I felt him move his hand up closer to my, now hard, manhood. I gulped picking up my water glass to take a drink to get my mind away from him now just about stroking it. I missed my mouth a bit and the water dribbled down my chest. My face turned red. He moved his hand up and teased me by poking his fingers in the waist band of my pants. He wouldn't touch IT though which made me more sexually frustrated . He finally moved his hand away and winked at me pretending nothing happened. 

 So I decided to play his game . I creeped my hands up his leg and on the inside of his thigh. I could tell he was just as hard as me when I saw his face. He went to continue talking to Zayn so when he opened his mouth I moved my hand over his hard on. He yelped out a little in pleasure and then his face turned red. I had to stop there before I lost control. I went back to trying to eat my plate full of food.

My eyes followed Liam as he got up, soon Zayn did as well. "Well we should go get ready and stuff and then we'll figure out something to kill the time". Liam said casually motioning for some security guards to come over, Niall then got up and pushed in his chair too. He then followed leaving me and Louis alone, with the rest of security.

"I want you soo bad". Louis whispered in my ear. I smiled back at him.

"I'm not really hungry anyways, let's go back to the hotel room". I said winking at Louis. With that I got up, crossed my hands in front of me and followed security out of the resturant and back up to my hotel room.


Louis's P.O.V

    As soon as we both stepped foot into the hotel room is when I grabbed hold of Harry and pushed him against the wall kissing him long and slowly. I felt his breaths and short quiet moans againist mine and it turned me on.

"Boobear is being naughty isn't he"? Harry teased then bit my ear and nibbled on it slowly.

"Can't wait to get back to the hotel room to have sex with me, huh"?    He whispered seductivly pulling at the hem of my shirt. Soon it was on the ground. He kissed down my chest then pinched my nipples with his fingers before sucking on them eagarly. He knew that I liked that . I let out a small moan to show my pleasure.

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