Chapter 25

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Thank you guys so much for reading this ! I really hope you enjoy it ! Love you! Also if any of you were wondering yes, there is a chapter 22 it is just private due to mature content , that basically means you need to be a fan of mine to read it. Sorry about that. Well anyways, thanks , love you and enjoy like always! I also always read your comments and thank you for the suggestions! I always love getting them ! Don't worry your "craves" well be fufilled sooner than you can say larry sex! (clever much ?)

Harry's P.O.V

When I finally opened my eyes in the morning Louis was snoring in my arms. A smile spread across my face. I placed my lips on his forehead briefly, but it wasn't long before I caught on to my head that was throbbing. I reached up and grabbed my head in my hands and moaned. I wasn't hungover, right ? I barely had anything to drink last night. The throbbing didn't even think of stopping it just got worse and worse. I cried out softly in pain, but I didn't want to wake Louis, he didn't get to bed early as it is. I pulled myself out of the covers and grabbed my knees in my arms placing my head on top of them. It wasn't going to go away. I decided that maybe a shower would help get rid of the pain. I couldn't really think straight. I saw myself in the mirror as soon as I got in there. My eyes were swollen from the crying I did last night and my curly hair was a mess, a bit of it pasted to my face with sweat. What a sight. I turned the faucet on and watched as the warm water fell down into the shower below. I stripped down and then hopped in. I let the warm water cascade down my back but even that didn't stop the pain in my head. Maybe I needed an asprin I opened the big shampoo bottle squeezing some into my hand and then lathering it throughout my curly hair. I would get an asprin when I got out. My head was the only thing I could think about and how badly it hurt. Now I knew for sure it wasn't a hangover because I have had my fair shares of hangovers and this was way worse. I needed Louis . I needed somebody . I needed Louis. My vision started to spin around me. I couldn't stop myself any more.

"Louis"! I called out finally as my knees buckled and I fell to the ground of the shower I brought my knees back up to my chest and I sat there. I heard the door of the bathroom creak open and I prayed it was Louis.

 "Harry, baby"? He called out before drawing back the shower curtain to reveal me. I looked up at him.

"Lou I don't feel good". I whispered. I saw myself in the mirror my face was now a paleish green color. Louis looked down at me before turning away to grab a towel. He turned off the shower and wrapped me in the towel and held me in his warm arms. He soon lifted me up and brought me out of the shower. Then he  hesitantly placed me on the ground. I crawled over to the toilet slowly and Louis wrapped his arms around me. "Lou I' don't". I shuddered as a wave of nausea came over me. Louis didn't let go until he decided to reach for his phone.

Louis's P.O.V

     My head spun, I wasn't sure what was making Harry sick . I didn't exactly know what to do as I watched him suffering. His towel was falling down and he didn't bother to fix it. I wasn't sure if it was wrong that his glistening body was turning me on when he was sick. I snapped out of it and reached for my phone which was luckliy charging here in the bathroom where there was an open plug. I quickly dialed Liam's number- he was responsible and probably not hungover from last night since he doesn't drink. It rung at least 15 times it seemed like before he picked up.

"Hello"? A half awake voice moaned.

"Liam, I need your help"! I panicked into the phone. "Harry is sick, like really sick". I took a few deep breaths.

"I'm not a doctor". He moaned , not the usual response from him.

"Liam"! I begged.

"Look I honestly just got back here and into bed". He said.

"Liam I don't know what to do"! I tried again.

"Fine I'll be there in five". He moaned hanging up before I could get another word in . I looked back at Harry who also moaned. His moans, though because of pain somehow also turned me on. I wrapped my arms around his half- towel covered body and pulled myself close to him resting my head on his shoulder.

"It's gonna be ok baby". I whispered. I started kissing along his neck and felt him loosen up a bit.

"I love you Louis". He whispered. I held him there tightly. I heard a few knocks on the door to the hotel  room. I was sad to leave Harry there alone even if it was just a milisecond.

   I heaved myself off of the floor and went to get the door, there in the entrance way stood a disheaveled Liam Payne. His hair was a little messy, but cute. But cute- wait Louis don't get yourself into trouble again. His sweatpants hung off of his hips loosely and his eyes showed that he was barely awake. In his hand he held a bottle of ginger ale. 

"I brought over some ginger ale , it's good for upset stomachs." Luckily we had some ". He said motioning towards the bottle. "It's probably just the stomach bug or food posioning ". He said as he heard Harry in the bathroom. I cringed, poor Harry I wasn't there holding him  or rubbing his back.

"I don't want him to be sick". I whispered.

"He'll be o.k". Liam said patting my back in a friend like way.  I turned to make my way back to the bathroom. Harry had gotten up to tie a deep red robe around his body his face looked pale and miserable. 

"Are you ok sweety pie"? I asked , wait did that sound too girly? He nodded. I let him pass me by to leave the bathroom I watched as he collapsed on his bed ignoring the fact that Liam was here. He moaned and closed his eyes. As if on cue Liam came by with a cup that he poured of the ginger ale and walked over to him. 

"Drink some this should make your tummy feel better, and just get some sleep . I'll tell Paul and the other boys that you're sick, just relax". He said soothingly pulling the covers over Harry's body. I smiled grateful for Liam.

Liam decided to stand near the door awkwardly as I cuddled into Harry as he fell asleep. Finally when I was sure that he was sleeping Liam spoke up.

"You must really love him Lou". He said looking down at his feet

"More than you can imagine , more than I can imagine to be honest." I brought my lips on Harry's cheek and looked up at Liam, he smiled politely. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Harry- who I thought was sleeping smile as well.

"Ok well if you need anything else- you know where to find me". Liam said motioning towards the door. When he was gone I hopped up into the bed. I stayed above the covers because I didn't want to fall asleep again but I wrapped Harry into my arms. 

"Harry are you awake"? I whispered.

"Yeaa". He moaned attractively turning me on. Then before I could get anything else in he whispered,"I want you so bad". I looked at him.

"Haz, you just puked your brains out".

"Soooooo ...... I still want you, you look really sexy". He said sheepishly. 

"Harry are you surree"? I stuttered as I started kissing his neck.

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