Chapter 24

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Louis's P.O.V

Niall looked away for a second then looked back nervously.

"To be honest Lou................" He turned away letting his voice trail off. I still held my stare .

"I don't... .... I dddd'ont .........know". His voice broke as he stuttered as he laid his head in his hands. I didn't know how to comfort him, there was no way to. I listened to the small soft sobs, and sat there watching him and waiting for him. I looked around the hotel room, what if Zayn and Liam came back? I honestly didn't know what to do, both the love of my life and one of my best friends were crying. I reached my hand out to stroke the poor irishman's back. I heard him lift his head up and sniffle a little bit.

"Niall are you going to be O.k"? I finally asked him, he looked back at me his eyes crystal blue but rimmed with red.

"Fine". He answered. I looked back at him unsure of what to do, I didn't want to leave him here alone but at the same time, I needed Harry. What was happening to us? I looked back at Niall.

"You know Niall, It's going to all be O.k in the end, you will find the man... or girl for you." I looked down at him , he was now sprawled out on the bed cuddling a pillow. I headed towards the door.

"Promise"? He looked up.

"Promise". "And Niall.."?

"Yeah"? He lifted his head from the pillow he was cuddling with leaving a few tears behind.

"If you need anything..... anything at all....I'm here". I smiled at him. I opened the door to take a deep breath of the hotel hallway. Not that the air was anything special it was just that nobody in the hallway was crying--over love. I walked slowly and surely down the hallway making my way back into my hotel room.

Finally inside I walked over to Harry's bed ,he was tucked under the covers sleeping like a beautiful angel . There were dryed tears on his face, one pillow tucked under his arms tightly and the other pillow under his head. His lips were plump and kissable. I watched him for a bit and then tucked myself into the covers and wrapped my arms around him. I wiped the dried , but still warm tears off of his fragile, beautiful face. I felt him slowly loosen his grip on the pillow and instead pull me up into his arms. I watched as his lips turned up into a smile. Finally. I placed a kiss on his lips and he giggled a bit before kissing me back.

"Harry did you have fun tonight"? I whispered and grinned kissing him again on the nose. He smiled showing me his teeth . I melted right then and there as he pulled me closer kissing me on the neck lovingly.

"Harry I will love you forever I love you and nobody else... Harry you are the one...Harry I just I can't.......

opphh" My words turned into a grunting noise as he cut me off my kissing me. He took complete control putting his tongue inside and I let him as we kissed passionately. He pulled away. Even though it was dark I looked into his eyes and he looked back into mine.

"Louis I love you too, so much and I don't want you to ever...ever...leave"...... I just love you... .He yawned before it seemed like he was done talking.

"Baby... you're tired maybe we should go to sleep". I started yawning right as I was done talking. Harry puled me closer into his arms. It wasn't long before I started battling consciousness. I wanted to stay awake for a bit but I kept drifting off to sleep. Soon Harry's steady breathing and the the way his chest moved up and down as he took his beautiful breaths. I love you I whispered not really caring if he could hear me or not I just wanted to make it known. I didn't ever want him to forget it.

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