Chapter 3

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I watched as Louis placed his phone back into his pants pocket. 

  "Who was it"? I asked curiously. He looked into my eyes again taking my breath away.

"Just Liam he didn't have much to say either". He said half laughing. He ended his response at that , not saying what he had to say just that he didn't have much. 

 "Well we have some time to kill before we leave". I said casually as Louis walked back towards the fridge. He opened the fridge door up and peered inside for a long while then closed it deciding not to actually get something out to eat. 

" You're right , we do". He said, winking. Harry's breath stopped. 

Louis's P.O.V

 Harry was sitting down at the table. He looked very hot. Extremely sexy. At the same time a little conflicted for some reason. We were the only ones at our flat at this moment. The rest of the boys were at their's. I looked back at the fridge in front of me after responding to Harry's statement. I wondered why I had shut it in the first place so I opened it again. After looking inside once again I realized why I had shut it the first time. Wow. I felt stupid. I looked over at Harry who decided to get up as well. Harry didn't know how much I loved him. He thought I was straight. I thought I was , and still think I am, but somehow I am in love with my best guy friend, Harry Styles. I want to kiss him. I want to have sex with him for crying out loud . Honestly I have the biggest , crush in the entire world on him. It's beyond crazy. However he is straight so I don't know what to do. I wish he could love me back. 

  Harry pulled a cup out of the cupboard and silently filled it with water and ice. I watched as he put the cup up to his big luciuos lips. He started to sip some, then the cup slipped. It felt as though it hit the ground in slow motion. I looked at his shirt,  now soaked through with water . Some was dripping from his chin as well. I yelped out because of the fact that his see through shirt was turning me on. I felt a familar place tingle. I watched his muscular arms reach for his sleeves to rip off the soaking shirt. 

"Shit". He mumbled under his breath as he took it off. I said the same thing to myself feeling the happiness I had. His shirtless abs gleamed and dripped a little bit. I couldn't hold it in anymore. 

    "Fuck Harry that turned me on". I moaned. 

I looked at his suprised face and couldn't believe that I had said that. His suprised look turned into a smile though. 

 "Lou, do I turn you on, am I sexy to you "? He cooed in a low voice. I wasn't sure if he really wanted me to answer.

I held my breath and nodded. I didn't let it go when he walked over to me and put his hands on my chest. He stroked up my neck and on my cheeks then down to my thighs dangerously close to a very turned on body part of mine.  He looked up at me . He bit his lip. Then he went to whisper in my ear but first nibbled a bit on my earlobe. Then he whisperd finally. "Does this turn you on"? I then couldn't hold it in any longer. 

 I leaned forward and smashed my lips against him and he soon agreed moving his lips with mine. His lips moved fast. They weren't as soft as a girls , but rough enough to tell it was a man. He pressed his bare chest up against me and wrapped his arms around close to my ass. He gripped it in his hands, firmly the way a man would.

Wait........ I pulled away slowly and looked up at shirtless Harry who was showing a face of bliss. "Haz". I breathed he couldn't hold it any longer he pushed his lips against mine again. I felt a groan build up in my throat and I let it out it was louder than I had expected it to be. I felt myself get hard ad Harry followed my groan with moans. I was kissing him . I was kissing Harry. I pushed gently on his body to push him back against the table he was in front of. He leaned back on it and I leaned on him.   It was like our tongues were fighting in our mouths. His hands continually searched for something to grab onto grabbing my bum, my sides. Then he pulled away and decided to kiss my cheek. He trailed away from my cheek and down my neck, leaving lovebites along the way. I moaned. He found my sweet spot and sucked hard on my neck leaving on last love bite until he pulled away. Then he looked at me our breaths still hard and struggling because we were out of breath. He looked into my eyes. 

 "Boo, am I a good kisser"? He asked.

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