Chapter 20

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Hey guys, this chapter is extremely short- haha. It just needed to end here in order for the next parts to make sense. Sorry However I am writing the next chapter right now and it will be up today as well. LOVE YOU! THANK YOU! READ ON AND ENJOY !


*Louis's P.O.V*

   Shit. I looked over at Liam next to me who had nervously shifted in his seat. I didn't look back towards Harry though. Every one of the boys was silent and the interviewer didn't choose to say anything either, maybe she was waiting for us to say something else. Or maybe we were making our discomfort obvious and she knew something was up. I took a deep breath. Maybe that wasn't as obvious as I thought. Quick say something to make it better. I looked down at my nail and started to chew on it trying to forget about it like nothing happened. I took a deep breath in and then another deep breath out , the interviewer was still not saying anything. Finally I looked up. "Like your hair". I gestured towards her head soon regretting saying anything, but I had already started and I had to go on. "Curly just like your hair the girl I was talking about has hair that is gorgeous like yours". I smiled. Well if all else fails try to charm the interviewer, rule number 102. I smiled at her. She smiled back her eyes lighting up. If she was good for something this was it.

    "Well there you have it exclusive you have only heard it here- Louis Tomlinson in love with a girl with gorgeous curly hair". She started. The small bit of tolerence I had left for her drained out of my body. I grimaced, at least I saved myself, hopefully. 

   "So your first show here is in Madison Square Garden tomorrow night, that's a big show , how do you feel about that"? She changed the subject.

    "Excited - it's going to be so surreal". I heard Liam explain from next to me , I was still shaking from the last question but I let myself loosen up realizing we were on an easier topic now. Soon my breaths became steady and I was able to look back at the beautiful man who was behind me his curly hair was the only hair in this world that I loved.

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