Chapter 17

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AUTHOR'S NOTE IMPORTANT!!! Hey guys, first I would like to thank everybody for reading and enjoying my story!! YAY you guys are the best ! Also I wanted to say that I am sorry but it will not be updated for two weeks. I am leaving tomorrow and will not be back for two weeks that means that this may or may not be the last update for two weeks there may be another chapter later tonight or tomorrow morning but it is highly unlikely :( I'M SORRY!!! However absence makes the heart grow fonder!!! Right????? So I'm sorry but I will be back in two weeks !!! ahhh I know I know!!

   Lastly, This chapter was a short sort of filler chapter but there is actually a lot that is going to happen next that is quite surprisng and well .....probably gonna catch you by surprise.... its also kind of well dirty........ But this chapter is definitely not the best one... haha. However enjoy and remember Comments are greatly appreciated escpecially if they contain what you want (or do not want) to see in further chapters ;) . Ha that was really long

 Enjoy xxxxx see you again in two weeks !!!

Harry's P.O.V

 I must have drifted off to sleep shortly because I woke up with the sun blinding my eyes, it was morning for sure, there were no longer stars in the sky above me and the lights of the city below me weren't shining in the dark sky any longer , but the buildings were gleaming in the daytime sun. I smiled looking down at Louis , whose head was resting on my chest. His soft pink lips were slightly parted  and his breaths traveled in and out of them. They were so beautiful , and tempting I wanted to feel his lips upon mine once again. I wanted that amazing , beautiful, fufilling feeling. I placed my hands on his gorgeous face and stroked it gently feeling every wonderful bit of the face I knew so well.

 "Baby, wake up". I whispered into his ear, knowing that we had to be up for the interview today. It always seemed like I had to be the one to wake him up.

"Huh"? He breathed out . He slowly got his eyes open and adjusted to the light that was shining on us. "Goodmorning Hazza babe, you look hot". He said groggily and lowly. I smiled at him and flipped my curls out of my face.

"We have an interview today". I said , I was a lot more awake then he seemed to be.  I made my way down the ledge we were on and then through the open window of our hotel room . Louis soon followed shutting the window behind him.

  "What time is it"? I asked the tired (but hot ) looking Louis as he walked over to me. I grabbed a beanie out of my bag, there was no time to try and tame my curly locks. I also slipped on some jeans and a white tee shirt good enough for an interview. Louis picked up his phone which was settled on a bedside table. 

  "8:00". He said still sounding groggy. I pulled his shirtless body in my arms hugging him and kissing him on the head.  He pulled away grabbing a pair of red skinny jeans and a striped shirt- classic Louis outfit. 

"Well everybody is probably down at breakfast waiting for us again". I said gersturing towards the door.

"Would be nice of them to clue us in on the time to wake up". Louis laughed quietly, I loved his laugh it was so sweet and beautiful.

"I know". I finally agreed opening the hotel door and shoving my i-phone into my pocket. He followed me out smiling at me .


"Louis"! I heard Liam yell from the lobby. He didn't bother saying Harry, I put my fingers in Louis's hand. He pulled away right away . I looked up slightly hurt, but then remembered . There were plenty of people surronding the boys and security, Liam looked right at us gesturing for us to join them.

"You up yet"? Liam joked. I nodded with Louis and smiled . "Let's go". He said. We followed security out of the hotel trying to avoid the multiple and quite excessive flashs of the paparazzi cameras.  We made our way out to the limo parked in the front and all in a blur we were safely seated inside and strapped in. I realized how quiet it got when the limo started moving. I looked up at Louis who was sitting next to me he slipped his fingers back in between mine and smiled at me.

"So did you guys have a fun night"? Zayn asked grinning mischeviously. I looked over at Louis again and he was grinning back.

 "You can't even begin to  imagine". He grinned at Zayn my cheeks lit up red. I looked at Liam who was smiling too , in on the joke and happy about it too. I reached over to kiss Louis lightly on the cheek because of how adorable he was looking but caught Niall's eye.

"Is there something I'm missing"? His irish accent breathed seemingly confused. 

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